moving/merging a listed domain



I have a site listed in the ODP for classic British cars that has been listed for over a year. I have a site I have been building for the last several months that will encompass ALL classic cars, not just British. My plans are to use a 301 permanent redirect as I move the old pages to the new site.

My question: What is the best process to address this change with DMOZ?

Should I submit the new site now?

When finished, I will need only the new site listed.

Thanks for your help.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Do the 301 whenever you want; our spider runs about every three months, and flags it for immediate attention (that is, you can pretty well expect that kind of change to be made within 4-6 months regardless. (Unlike other kinds of manual change requests, which wait until they're done waiting.)

As for submitting the "change URL" request to change categories: I'd say wait until there's enough content to justify it (say, less than 2/3 of the total content is really relevant to the subcategory it's in, the rest is relevant only to some other part of the parent category.)


Thanks for you quick response.

I am not clear on one point. Since the new/surviving site is a new domain name, do I submit it as a new "add url" or do I try for a "change url" when the content is ready?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Go for an update (and ask for the new category in the same request) rather than a new submission.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.