
Nov 24, 2005
Off late (last 6 months) we have noted that DMOZ is not taking any registration. In the past all our client sites (more than 500) have been listed in one or two trials by DMOZ.

Unfortunately we have failed to register any site in last 9 months. We have registered in appropriate categories specific to the site but still their is no response. Is dmoz registration still going on or is it stopped.

Take for example is a 7 month old site and belongs to Calgary Web Design category. We have submitted twice but with no results. Can DMOZ editors advice on this aspect. We are confident that their is nothing illegal or wrong category selection.

Your answer will be highly appreciated.


Mar 8, 2004
We no longer give status reports in this forum. (Telling you whether your suggestions have been received would be a status report. Telling you whether your site was suggested to the correct category would be a site review, which we also don't do in this forum.)

That being said, if you suggested the site twice (in the same, correct, category), odds are overwhelming that the suggestion was received, and quite good that it was not deleted inappropriately.

That you (in India) are suggesting the site of a Calgary web site design business suggests that the business may actually be located in India, but we do not require that the person suggesting the site be the business owner or webmaster, but could be any interested party.


Jan 26, 2006


I am a <line of business omitted>. <company names omitted> are my companies and I am a citizen of <location omitted>. Though I am neither an SEO nor a designer but I own <assets omitted> serving clients all over <location omitted>. I myself submitted <URL omitted> to <category omitted> which to me looks to be the correct directory but I didn't meet success. Thus I requested dassnagar to help me to reach my goal. You will get my contact address and numbers on the site and may cross check for reference.

I would fervently request you to kindly review <URL omitted> and point out any mistakes that might have been their and I will get it correct. This is a request only and rest is up to your wishes. Thank You.

[post edited for reasons that will be obvious to anyone reading the forum TOS]


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
msseo1 said:
I would fervently request you to kindly review <URL omitted> and point out any mistakes that might have been their and I will get it correct. This is a request only and rest is up to your wishes. Thank You.
Postings made at R-Z will never influence the review proces. Asking editors to favor your site is rude. Why would we do this for you and not for any other site.


Jan 22, 2006
As another person waiting for site review (and an ex editor)

Have to agree with the editors on this one. Yes - we would all love to know when our site is going to be accepted or (more importantly for us) what we have done in a site that means that it's not acceptable.

But - when we sign up to suggest a site to DMOZ - we should be reading the small print. If the site is not deemed suitable it won't be added.

So we can't really "demand" someone looks at our site now and to be honest, we shouldn't "depend" on DMOZ for our success on the net.

If the site can't stand scrutiny without DMOZ's influence on the search engine, should it really be in DMOZ?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.