Multilingual Mirrors



Hi all.

One website - three addresses and optimised for 3 languages.

asterias is english (and is listed on Dmoz), and .biz are metatagged and titled in French and German respectively with the idea of getting into the local language search results.
These are not intended as mirrors to spam the same search engines with multiple listings but with different listing in different languages.

Dmoz so far lists only the English .com site.
What can I do to change this?

Thanx guys,

CompuCad Design


Nov 6, 2002
None of the pages work right now, dns lookup failure on all three. I'd suggest you fix that before our nasty ol' robot sees it.

Working from the Google cache:

Meta tags mean nothing to us. We ignore them completely.

The sites are identical except for the titles. The promotional part of the titles won't become any part of dmoz, so the difference between four star and vier Stern won't matter either. That leaves the only difference on the pages being whether it's Asterias Strand Hotel or Asterias Beach Hotel.

My opinion: That's not enough of a difference to warrant listing the separate urls. I'd suggest submitting the .com url to the appropriate French and German categories.

I see links for Italian and Greek as well. If there's content behind those links (not machine translated) you should submit to those categories as well.


Hi brmehlman - thanx for the quick response.

I'd assume that someone was backing up the server or whatever - the sites are up now.

Your suggestion for the .com site is a good idea and will be implemented....but I don't think that this would answer our foreign language keyword issue.

Am I right in thinking that the problem is that the sites just aren't well enopugh differentiated one from the other to be listed independantly?

I'm thinking that if we did smaller, different sites for French and German exclusively in their respected languages, would these (probably) get listed independantly?


Mar 25, 2002
In general, our preference is to list one url which has links to all the various languages under each appropriate language, rather than different urls (or even just sub-pages) for each language. This way we can tell that the site is listed everywhere it should be. :cool:



Many thanx for the good advice, guys. Much obliged.
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