Multilingual site, same content diferent languages


Jun 24, 2003
Hello! Please be patient to hear the case:

A Travel site is primary Spanish language and listed in World>Espanol>etc

Now an English version appears, same content, but different language, even the titles and keyword since english people searches for sites different.

Guidelines encourages to submit just the main url lets say: in regional and other proper english branch.

If a site's content is available in more than one language, the site may be listed in more than one language category. For example, if a site is in English, German, and French, the site may be listed in an English-only category, World/Deutsch, and World/Français. When listing a multi-lingual site,

list the URL for the "doorway" page that provides links to all the language editions; OR

list the language-specific URL only if the doorway links to the individual language editions are not obvious.

But that's bad for the site because if submited spanish main page has Spanish title (even when an obvious link shows how to change to english version) no English users will find for "A page with a title in Spanish"...

May I split the site into a subdomain in english? And submit into an English category and, (Spanish) into World>Espanol>etc

I think that would be the best, because users will find easily what they look for.

What do you say?


Aug 14, 2002
I think you should submit the main url but use the English title and description that you would use if you were submitting

Why do we like you to sumbit the main url?

Well, I don't know if I can recall all the reasons, but I'll give you what to me is the main one.

1. Sometimes bilingual or multi-lingual people will be browsing in one language, but really prefer another. Giving them them the doorway page allows them to pick the language.

There are other reasons as well. It makes the directory easier to maintain. It seems people are constantly renaming the directories from to to Of course every time they do that their listing goes dead until we discover the fact that they have renamed the directory, and update the link.

We used to list the individual language directory home pages, but some of us weren't happy with that system. We talked about it, and the policy was changed.


Jun 24, 2003
But that will leave off all users serching for sites in it's own language. Spanish users search for 'galletas' while english look for 'cookies'.. So if the main url title is Cookies - MyCookie Factorybla bla ... who will find 'Galletas' ? And Primary language of the site is not english, is spanish in this case...


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Multilingual site, same content diferent langu

What sole means is that you should submit the base URL of your site with an English title and description if you are submitting to an English-language category. If you're submitting to a Spanish-language category, submit the same URL but with a Spanish-language title and description.


Aug 14, 2002
OK, we've gone from travel sites to cookies now. :)

I think I see what you are getting at. You alluded to it in the first post
even the titles and keyword since english people searches for sites different.

However dmoz is not engaged in site promotion. We just list sites. We do not concern ourselves with using the webmasters' keywords. We do not promise better search engine results. We do place sites within the directory in a manner that will enable anyone using our directory or one of its many mirrors, clones, or spinoffs to easily find what they are looking for.

We will list the site in both the English directory and the Spanish one. We will give it an English title and description on the English side, and a Spanish one on the Spanish side.

On the English side we will use the word cookies, and in Spanish we will use galletas, if indeed those are the words used in the English and Spanish titles and that is what you submit. People will find them. :) (You can even use both words on the main entry page if you like. I've seen it done.)

How you design your site is up to you. If you want to make two independent sits, one for English and one for Spanish, and not connect them we can't stop you. We'll even list both.

However, if you put them both on the same site, we'll still list it in both languages. We'll list the doorway url, and let the readers pick which language they want to read.

And I'm pretty sure that those spiders who get all your pages listed in the search engines, will read pages in both languages as long as you leave links for the robots to follow.

<Yes dfy, is right. That's what I meant. I didn't see that post when I started this one.>
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