Multiple Links / Deeplinking


Been lurking a few days trying to find the answer to this question and I don't think I have yet.

I have a localised site that gives a lot of detail on things to do. In particular, I have detailed a lot of information on neighborhood parks that can't be found anywhere else online or in print. I visited nearly 100 parks, photographed them, and made notes of the amenities and features they had to offer and detailed driving directions.

My main site is listed in ODP in the proper category and that is great. Many of these parks are in regional localities that have 1 or 0 sites listed. Would it be appropriate to submit a deeplink to the specific page for the park that is in that locality?

I know deeplinks are the exception and I DON'T want to be labeled as a spammer and have my site removed. However after reading many posts, I believe these pages meet the guidelines of being useful and unique to the person looking for information on that specific locality.

The way the site is organised, it is likely that a surfer who saw the content of the entire site as being focused on the larger metro area (and it is) wouldn't think that their tiny locality park would be listed there.

I do sell ads to local businesses on other areas of the site but these pages contain no ads- only unique and helpful content. I don't want to be labeled a spammer but I would like to see my hard work easily found by residents and visitors to these smaller outlying areas. In casual conversations, people have said, "I never knew there was a park there! I'll have to check it out". I want more people to find these unique spots.

How does the ODP view situations like this?



Mar 26, 2002
Please post a link to the site and we can give you more information. It really depends on how much content your pages have. Content is king in - if you have alot of it you can get deeplinks. Big however here though - deeplinking is the exception and not the rule.

Have to add - it is up to the editor of the category or whoever reviews the site whether or not it is going to get listed - editors are all different so don't think that just because you get a deeplink somewhere or someone else has a deeplink that you will be listed.

Unique Content is King!

I wouldn't be penalized for submitting the link and trying, would I? I understand the editors make their own decisons and that is OK. I just don't want someone to look at my submission and say,"Their home page is already linked! I am going to remove all references to this site because they are not following the guidelines."

No, I don't believe you'd be be penalized at all if your content is unique in the way you describe above.
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