Multiple listings


Jun 13, 2004
Hi - I have a question about the number of pages from a site that can be listed in the ODP. I noticed that is listed in 6 places:

Health: Beauty: Advice and Education
Arts: People: M: Monroe, Marilyn
Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Somatoform: Body Dysmorphic
Regional: Asia: Japan: Arts and Entertainment: Traditional
Society: History: By Region: North America: Ancient Age: Aztec-Mexica
Society: History: By Region: North America: Ancient Age: Mayan

Can I do the same thing with my site? I'm not sure about the guidelines for this.


Nov 6, 2002
You've got two questions kind of wrapped up together here, and they're really quite separate.
I have a question about the number of pages from a site that can be listed in the ODP.
There is no limit. A site should get whatever number of listings its content warrants.

Can I do the same thing with my site?

Multiple listings are done on the initiative of editors. With a few well defined exceptions, we do not welcome multiple submitted suggestions for a given site.

The exceptions are related to the Regional and World categories. A site may be suggested for inclusion in both a topical and a regional category if its content covers a topic and is relevant to a region. A multilingual site may be suggested once (twice if of both regional and topical interest) for each of its languages. No machine translations please.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I might mention one other class of exceptions. E-texts of published books are generally fairly good candidates for deeplinking -- we don't begrudge Project Gutenberg its 6000 links, we just wish we had the time to add the other 14000 or so it deserves.

The site mentioned has a series of articles on wide-ranging topics. That is a judgment call. I've asked reputable magazines to submit more deeplinks, please: but they built a reputation for strong informational content first. But _very_ few individuals (one in a million, perhaps: Steven Jay Gould, Isaac Asimov, Richard Feynmann) can write useful, authoritative articles on a variety of subjects; private attempts almost invariably result in a "personal page" site not worth deeplinking anywhere.


Jun 13, 2004
Thanks - that does make it slightly clearer. I'd still like to ask, though - if my site was to be listed, would I then (ie. after it's first listing in the directory) be able to submit individual web pages for consideration by other categories, or would these links be added by editors coming across these pages for themselves, without my directing them to them?


Jan 23, 2003
You should submit the single listing in the topical category that best encompasses the focus/content on the website.

If you have a business wht a physical brick and mortar presence you may be eligible for a regional listing in the deepest possible category within the locality where you are located (not where you market!).

If your website is in multiple languages (not machine translated) they you may submit to the most appropriate category within the language specific (World) portion of the directory.

Beyond that, additional submissions begin to put you on very thin ice.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Emmie, so long as the question is about "some" vague site that the editors haven't seen, there's only one answer you can get: NO DEEPLINKING. Deeplinking is allowed only in exceptional cases. And that's the end.

Now if you actually had a site, you could look at other sites and see if it was substantially better than they were -- or if you were too emotional about your own self-interest, you could mention the site and ask editors to look at it. (This last, I warn you, will get you the truth, which does not always feed your ego the diet it likes best.)
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