Multiple status checks and forgotten categories


Apr 6, 2005

After being in this business for a decade now I'm very proud that I've been successful in getting several sites listed for my clients over the years. Thanks to all those editors for that.

However, I just recently found this board and, given the ability, wanted to check status of some of the more recent submissions. Problem is I have forgotten exactly what categories I may have submitted them to a couple of months ago. You see I never had a reason to remember them, I've always simply searched using the domain name to check inclusions.

Yes, I suppose I could re-evaluate and use the category I now see as most likely but I don't want to tick anyone off or waste their time on goose chases. Any suggestions on how to best approach that?

Also, I don't want to over-step my bounds and start several status check threads by one person, even though I did in fact submit those sites myself.

Before I do so, is that frowned upon? (Really I only have three more to check right now, all submitted near the same time:, and

Thanks in advance for your help! :) -J

[Note: I hope this is the right forum to post these questions in. I didn't see anything in the Faq's or 'Read First' posts that covered these questions - I appologize if I missed it.]


Mar 25, 2002
Thanks for asking - we'd much rather that people ask first! :)

It's ok to group them all together, if that makes it easier for you. However, since you aren't sure about which category they got submitted to, it might be easier to do them separately.

Unfortunately editors don't have an easy way of looking at all unreviewed sites - we can only look at them for a particular category.

So my suggestion would be for you to go and find, for each site, the category that you feel best fits it. (Because chances are that is the one you submitted to). Provide a clickable link to it in the request for status on that URL.

And we'll take it from there.

Sound like a plan to you?


Apr 6, 2005
Why, it does sound like a plan Alucard. I will indeed move foward in that general direction- Thanks! :D
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