Multiple submissions from one site - are they treated indepe



I am waiting for acceptance for the root url of my site which I submitted several months ago. I think i'm in a horrendously long queue, and I am just going to be patient with it.

Now, I know that if I submit the root of the homepage again it will overwrite the original submission. However, if I submit will this affect the other submission in any way? What if an editor decides that the content of this inner section is not substantial enough to warrant a listing of it's own?

Thanks for any advice.


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Multiple submissions from one site - are they treated in

In general, we discourage this practice.

This is known as deeplinking, and you can find the "official" line on it at

If, after looking at this you really consider a deeplink to be appropriate, then feel free to submit it to the one category where you think it is appropriate. An editor will review it and see if they consider it worthy of deeplinking. The worst case in this scenario is that the editor will just reject the site in favour of the root site, and you won't be any better or worse off.

Note that submitting to the SAME category will be an automatic deletion of the deeplinked submission.

However, if you start peppering the directory with deeplinks, it will start looking like spam, which may get the whole domain marked as a spammer and not listed.

Also, if (as you seem to indicate) you are doing this in order to speed up the time to get your site listed, please don't bother, as it won't work.

I hope this clarifies things for you <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 19, 2003
Re: Multiple submissions from one site - are they treated in

I would advise that you get your root URL listed first before worrying about deeplinks. If the subsections of the site are in the same field as the root URL then it's highly unlikely that the subpages would get listed anyway, unless you're something like a massive health reference site.

Resubmitting the root URL to the same category overwrites the previous submission and sends you to the bottom of the queue if the editor chooses to sort by date.

Your best bet is probably to sit tight and wait - spend the time looking for other sources of incoming links and develop the content of your site further. Getting a dmoz link is only a very small (and not critical) part of a successful website development campaign.


Re: Multiple submissions from one site - are they

Thanks for the help.

&gt;&gt;Also, if (as you seem to indicate) you are doing this in order to speed up the time to get your site listed

Didn't mean to indicate that <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I will wait as long as it takes for the main url, as I feel it is in the most appropriate category, and I also suspect that it will take many months for my site to work it's way up the queue.

Would it be a bad idea to submit a deeplink to 'test the water', or is this liable to get the site a bad reputation with editors?

Is the chance of acceptance affected by the quality of sites in the categories, or does it come down solely to guidelines? I.e if the content of my subsection is superior (in my opinion naturally <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />) than existing sites in the category, does this make me more likely to be accepted?

I was thinking of this line from the guidelines:

"deeplinks...can add value to categories with very limited content, and where the meat of the available web content is typically buried within larger sites"

I think this describes the inner section of site I want to submit very well.

I'm not attempting to flood the directory with pointless sections of my site, I'm just a little concerned that if I submit a deeplink and an editor does not like it, this might harm the submission of the main url in some way.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Multiple submissions from one site - are they

If you had a site all about garden plants, with a small section about an obscure Russian composer, then submitting the deep-link to the Russian music category would be a good idea. The editor will look at the main part of the site, see that it has nothing to do with Russian music, and will list the deep-link.

If you have a site about garden plants with a small section about weeding tools, the editor look at the main part of the site and will conclude that the deep-link is closely related to the main site. That editor will then probably just send the main site off to the garden plants category, and delete the deep-link.

To get a deep-linklisted, it really does have to contain exceptional content, that significantly adds to the category in question.
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