
Feb 24, 2005
Excuse me tiptoeing into this thread...

I am waiting patiently for a listing under a generic 'surveyors' catgegory with my site No problem with this other than I only operate in one, and occasionally two, counties in the UK and I'm not particularly interesting to people outside my catchment area cos I don't travel well :D

If I now also submit to a regional area (Yorkshire), will this re-set my main submission back to 5 BC or is it acceptable to have another submission on the go at the same time? If it is, is the second submission just sort of added to the first so that the editor can then put it into a regional category at the same time as the generic one is added or do they undergo separate ministrations?




Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Excuse me tiptoeing into this thread...
Well it could to lead to considerable confusion so I've split your post into its own thread.

Since you say you only serve local customers and your website presumably thus holds no interest for those outside your area, you should suggest it to your locality - to where any topical site suggestion is likely to be moved anyway. It would then await a different reviewer. You might as well save the delay and suggest it to there now.

For clarification, your locality is where your address is eg Leeds or Bromham. If there isn't a bricks and mortar on your website, we might have a pronblem verifying that you're based where you say you're based.
Feb 24, 2005
Hello Jim

I'm probably going to wish I hadn't started this!

My site is unique to the Internet!

I am Surveyor working in the remedial treatments industry and there is no-one else doing what I'm doing, at least not independently.

When I first submitted, I did a search for the same type of surveyor in the same industry and, when I found one (though not independent), I submitted to that category. This seemed appropriate at the time and still does.

After the statutory month had elapsed, I enquired about progress and was told I had been moved, to a category that features Chartered Surveyors -which I am not. (It seems slightly ironic that the editor took a totally unique site and put it in the wrong category)!

Rather than upset the apple cart I figured that as I was now in the queue I would be better keeping quiet and, until now, that's what I've done.

However, I got to thinking that seeing as I'm in the wrong category anyway, would it do any harm, or good, to submit to my regional category too.

My site contains articles of general interest but I only work within Yorkshire and Lancashire. If I submit to the region, does this mean that my application will be further delayed because it will be moved, or will it be duplicated and thus give it two bites of the cherry, with the regional application possibly being edited before the business category application?

I also assume that when one submission is eventually edited, the other is then discarded. Is that correct or are they treated as individual items?

Hope this makes sense...I could always get me coat :D



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
My previous recommendation stands - additionally suggest your site to your locality. A listing there won't adversely impact a topical submission.


Aug 2, 2002
Since you're from Yorkshire I think you must have misspelt your username - shouldn't it be mustafaflatcap?
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