My Application



Firstly hello everyone - new to this site.

Just a quick question, I applied to become an editor for the following category as I noticed that it did not have an editor in place already.
Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Internet: Free Stuff

My application was rejected and I just wondered what would be the normal cause of this? This is an area that I am especially interested in, and yes I do have a website that would feature in this section, but that is not why I applied.

Having been an internet user for 10+ years, and my current role an eConsultant for a large multinational company, I thought that I would have some of the skills and understanding that was required.

Please dont read this post wrong, I am not bitter in anyway, but I thought I would try and help DMOZ by simply filling a space in an area that doesn't have an editor, in a subject that I am, and have been, interested in for the past 4 years. Is it worth applying again to the same category as still it does not have an editor assigned?

Finally, would it make any difference because I have a site, that is still not listed, and I have been asking for a listing over the last 2 years? (This is something I will mention in the Submissions forum to see the current status)


Mar 25, 2002
Obviously you got a denial e-mail, so what did it say? All the reasons why the application was denied should be there.

Having been an internet user for 10+ years, and my current role an eConsultant for a large multinational company, I thought that I would have some of the skills and understanding that was required.

Having subject experience is good, but it's not the primary criteria when evaluating an application. Take a look through the info provided in the FAQ and General Advice thread.


Feb 13, 2004
Free stuff is a highly spammed category. New editors rarely get to edit those.


Thanks for that. Before I applied to become an editor I did read everything I could before applying, and in my application I did specify that I had a site that would relate to the catgory, to make sure people knew and save any future conflict of interest issues coming up in the future.

My deny message had no reason at all listed, just simply denied hence my enquiry here. I can only guess that itd due cleaners comments about free cats often getting spammed.

Is it worth applying again do you think?


Mar 25, 2002
My deny message had no reason at all listed, just simply denied hence my enquiry here.
Huh? How could it have no reason? Even the basic denial e-mail has a list of reasons why it was denied. I don't think that we have any denial letters with no reasons listed.


I have searched through my inbox, but I must have cleaned it out sometime ago. I can honestly say, hand on heart, it had no explanation at all and its this that bewildered me.

Oh well, may try again in the future.


Feb 10, 2004
I dispair of ever getting in. I've applied four times and each time I get a different set of reasons why not. Subject area too large? Wonder if the little neighborhood of El Prado is represented! I narrowed, I honed, I corrected. As much as I thought I had something to add to the directory, it is clear the directory is not interested in filling the open positions it has with people who know the area.

I still think the directory is a good one. Too good for me, I guess.


Feb 10, 2004
I just realized I complained in this forum, which I see is not to be tolerated. Please, moderator, remove this post. I was hasty!
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