My link in directory only works half the time?


Mar 18, 2005
I have my website listed in dmoz under,
Regional: North America: United States: Florida: Localities: C: Cape Canaveral: Business and Economy: Shopping

It only works half the time when I do a search for my site from the main page.

Does this effect my ranking stats on Google and Alexa?
What can I do about this as I have asked to be moved to a new catagory with no luck?

Please help,


Mar 8, 2004
pta-admin said:
I have my website listed in dmoz under,
Regional: North America: United States: Florida: Localities: C: Cape Canaveral: Business and Economy: Shopping

It only works half the time when I do a search for my site from the main page.

DMOZ search is questionable, at best. If you get no results without seeing a "Search unavailable" or "DMOZ search busy", that might indicate a problem.

Does this effect my ranking stats on Google and Alexa?

You'd have to ask them, but I doubt very much that they use DMOZ search. Google spiders the directory frequently and (less frequently) imports it as the Google directory, but no one really uses DMOZ search.

What can I do about this as I have asked to be moved to a new catagory with no luck?

You'd have to ask about that in the submission status forum, waiting at least one month from your last update request, and following the instructions for that forum.

Although I don't edit in your category, I'm almost certain your listing in Regional is exactly where it belongs, though. You may qualify for another listing in Shopping or Business (but not both).
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