my Link


New Member
Jan 15, 2014
i dont understand why it takes so long to get a link in dmoz. maybe people are just lazy not doing there Job. if you dont like helping people whats the point.
im sure you will delete this but it true. the whole point is to help other websites. maybe this website is useless. beginning to wonder. just stating a fact peace and love


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> i dont understand why it takes so long to get a link in dmoz.
It doesn't take long at all. Atleast not for the people who an add links to DMOZ, the editors. Other people can not add links at all, they an only suggest a website. Editors can look at such suggestions, or they can ignore them.

> maybe people are just lazy not doing there Job.
No. being an editor is not a job it is a hobby done as a volunteer

> if you dont like helping people whats the point.
we want to help people find websites

> im sure you will delete this
why would we?

> but it true. the whole point is to help other websites.
Ah, there is the problem. DMOZ has no intention to help other websites to be found on the Internet. You must have misunderstood DMOZ goals
Any help received by websites or by people who suggested websites is just a non-intentional side effect.

> maybe this website is useless.
maybe it is, but if it is why are you so concerned about it

> just stating a fact
not a fact, just a misunderstanding many uninformed website owners have


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
There must be around 400 million websites that none of the few thousand of us haven't yet evaluated and we have no reason to believe that those that have been suggested to us are somehow deserving of priority processing over those that have not. In fact, in many sectors, the opposite is true.

It's gonna take time.
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