My listed site relocated, but cannot get the new URL listed now !


Jan 15, 2010

My site had a listing in the "Business Services > Translation > Multiple Languages > Asia" category for quite a number of years I think. But recently I relocated the site, but forgot to update the URL in Dmoz. The listing was removed (because it became a dead-link I suppose). I suggested the new URL of my old site (i.e. I simply relocated, but the contents are absolutely the same) after a month or so of its relocation, but cannot get a listing now ! I am not sure why. Since my site had a listing to start with and stayed as such for quite a few years until its relocation, it then obviously means that my site and its contents fulfill all the requirements of getting listed in Dmoz. So, why is it not getting listed in Dmoz with all the same content, except only a different URL now ? What can I do ? I am confused !


Arif Ahmed

<URLs Removed>


Apr 5, 2004
If you have suggested your site again, there is nothing more you need to do, and nothing more you can do.
It will no doubt be reviewed by a volunteer at some stage, and if it meets the current criteria for listing, it will probably be listed.
There is no time frame for this, because we are all volunteers, and the ODP is not a listing service.
Please don't think that multiple suggestions will speed things up for you, because the opposite is more likely to be true.


Jan 15, 2010
What if I want to make changes to my site ?

I understand. It's your house and I am knocking on the door. Whether or not you let me in is your choice/prerogative. If I knock too much, you may get annoyed/peeved. Right ? No problem with me. :)

In any case, what if I want to make modifications to my site in between the period of suggesting it and it getting listed (if ever) ?
Let's say, I want to add or delete content, or change the meta description and/or keywords or the titles of pages, or even the name of the site, etc ? Obviously then, the previous suggestion (the details in the suggestion form) and the site after modification may not match exactly. What will happen in this situation ? Will the volunteer reviewer/editor reject the suggestion if he finds these discrepancies/mismatches ? Do I need to re-suggest after modification ? Or should I simply keep my site unchanged as it is until it gets listed (which, as you indicate, could be the infinity), even if it needs to grow or evolve ?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Most website suggestions have non-guidelines compliant titles and descriptions. If the site is listable, we rewrite them and list it. There's no need for you to do anything.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.