My one and only site has been removed

OK... I'm a litte embarrased because it is actually still on DMOZ. It's in Top: Computers: Software: Desktop Customization: Utilities: Screen Savers, and it is listed as Bravo! (our product name).

But there is no search on DMOZ that finds my site. I can even search in the category and get no hit.

Anyone know why this would be? I used to be able to search for Bravo! in DMOZ and find it, and I could find it on Google search as well. It dropped off Google (even though I'm still in Yahoo cat), and so I started looking on DMOZ, and couldn't do a search to find it here.

Very strange.


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
It's because the search database has not been updated for some time. If you run this search, you'll see at the bottom of the results page 'Search database last updated on: Sat Sep 28 00:54:00 PDT 2002'. Your site was added to Computers: Software: Desktop Customization: Utilities: Screen Savers on Sep 29 <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> . It should be searchable when the search database is next updated (don't know when exactly, but it should not be too long).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.