My region is not available, what next?



I was trying to submit in the Regional: Oceania: Australia: South Australia: Business and Economy: Internet: Web Design and Development: By Locality thinking this would be the most appropriate category and there is actually no region there that applies to me. I'm working from home, so I'm not even sure if this would apply. There are no listing in the page that I mentioned above, would this mean that if I were to end up in this category that if someone where to search I wouldn't even turn up anyway? Not sure what to do here, any help would be appreciated as I don't want to mess up. Thanks. :)

That category only contains links to the actual localities, not sites.

If you submit to the actual locality of your business it should end up linked from that category, although actually listed in the locality. list of localities


Oh, if the locality doesnt exist, submit to the letter category of the alphabar and a new locality will be created.


Apr 15, 2003
One thing to note is that when an editor looks at your site, he would probably look for verification based on the site content, that the site belongs in the Region to which it is being submitted. I took a quick glance at your site, [and maybe I missed it] but nothing there seems to show that. [South Australia seems too imprecise - but I don't know the geography well enough]


That was pretty much what I was after. I didn't see my region in there. I thought, in this case, that SA was a little too broad.



Thanks Gimmster. Is this going to give me a listing for web design or just for being in the area?


Initially in the area. It's one of the sub categories I broke out from state level and have tried to keep the links to localities intact. Normally we like to have a few sites before creating the sub categories, so it'd be nice if you could also submit any other sites that have Oaklands Park addresses (of any kind) to the Oaklands Park sub category. In the end you should end up in the as yet non existant Regional/Oceania/Australia/South Australia/Localities/O/Oaklands Park/Business and Economy/Internet/Web Design and Development sub category, which would be linked from the original category you enquired about.

Note you could also submit to web design , but expect a looong wait and to be lost amongst the large amount of other listings.

It's OK to be listed in both these categories :)

Or you can become an editor - pretty please. SA needs more editors :) (not particularly subtle plug).

Oops, still had Nicole's name in my head :)

Thanks for the correction bobrat
*runs and hides under rock*


My sincerest apologies for not replying to your help sooner. I lost the bookmark in my ton of other bookmarks, I really should get organised there! :)

Anyway, I will list in the region as you suggested. A listing at all to me is better than no listing.

I'd love to be an editor, what SA categories are lacking and I'll go and see if I know anything about them and apply.

Thanks a lot for your help.


all of SA is wanting :)

Your best bet is to choose any locality that you can find sites for. The only one I'd avoid is Adelaide_CBD as it has a few too many sites for a new editor.

Either a local suburb, or a large country town such as Murray Bridge or Whyalla - somewhere that you could easily find a fair number of sites.

Start at locality level because it is where the majority of sites go, it allows you to create and populate sub categories, and gives you a good grounding in the way the Regional side of the directory works.

Hope you apply - SA needs a new localities editor.

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