My site: 5 requests for inclusion. not even a response. Why?


Mar 3, 2011
Good morning
My name is Raffaele Zazzaro and Italian are a webmaster and I own several sites.
I applied for admission to the dmoz directory more than 5 times over 2 ½ years, but have not received any response. Whether positive or negative.
I asked to edit a category that does not have editors who are
* Top
*: World
*: Italian
*: Regional
*: Europe
*: Italy
*: Veneto
*: Provincia di Venezia
*: Town
*: Lido di Jesolo
*: Tourism (202)
But I have not received any response even proposed me with excellent and complete your application requirements perfectly.
Could I at least know the result of the two waste.
Add my site is already indexed in various search engines for about 1000 pages of unique content is not duplicated.
Thank you for your response


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I applied for admission to the dmoz directory more than 5 times over 2 ½ years, but have not received any response. Whether positive or negative.
There's no need for responses. If the website is listable, we'll list it: if it isn't, we won't. Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

I asked to edit a category that does not have editors...
You requested World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/Veneto/Provincia_di_Venezia/Località/Lido_di_Jesolo/Turismo which is much too large for a beginner. (The application form recommends that you start out with one of fewer than 100 listings.) It was declined on those grounds and you were sent an explanatory email.


Mar 3, 2011
Thank you for your kind and swift response.
In your opinion, you should then apply to edit this category:

* Top
*: World
*: Italian
*: Regional
*: Europe
*: Italy
*: Veneto
*: Provincia di Venezia
*: Town
*: Jesolo
*: Tourism (19)

Regards Raffaele


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Any category of 15-100 listings is fine.

When mentioning a category, it's easier for you and easier for us if you just paste what you see in your browser's address bar like this: World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/Veneto/Provincia_di_Venezia/Località/Lido_di_Jesolo/Turismo


Mar 3, 2011
Here it is unfortunately automatic response!

All the fields have been filled in perfectly.

Nobody has bothered to read my request!

Here's what DMOZ has become an automated tool!.

Because there is only one editor for the category

* Top *: * World: Italian *: * Region: * Europe: * Italy: Veneto

which has about

10.837 websites. How can a single person to follow all these sites.

Do not think that this is a huge disservice??

Why not consider a person who wants to lend a hand

REALLY directory to grow and be of good quality!

P.s. The publisher "NESSO" following more than 10,837 Web sites is an employee of

TELECOMITALIA. I just hope there is nothing behind .............

Following the automatic response


Thank you for your interest in becoming an editor Open Directory Project.
After careful consideration, we decided this time not to accept your application for admission.
The most common reasons for which a new application for admission is not accepted are:

* Reference incomplete.
Are insufficient information in some fields including Name, affiliation and / or URL examples.

* Spelling and grammar improper.

* The URLs for example, are not appropriate for the category for which admission is sought.
They may be too general, too specialized, completely unrelated to the category of poor quality, or inappropriate language for the category.
All non-English sites are listed in the category of World. Applications for admission in the World category of sites that include only English will be rejected.
Similarly, applications for admission to the World categories that include sample URL in languages other than the appropriate category for the request will be rejected.

* Spam is not fully revealed with sites that are, or may be listed in the category.

* Titles and descriptions of the example URL (and other information) and subjective promotional rather than impartial and objective.
ODP editors are not concerned with ranking or write site reviews.
ODP editors provide impartial and objective descriptions of sites and their content.

* Self-Promotion.
Application forms that lead us to believe that the candidate is particularly interested in the promotion of its own sites or those with which he is affiliated.
ODP is not a business tool, and should not be used to circumvent the process of the proposed sites.
If this is the motivation of an applicant to join the ODP, then we ask her / him not to apply.
Publishers discovered in an inappropriate way to promote their site will be quickly removed.

Given the large number of requests for admission that we have every day, we are unable to respond personally to every request or to respond to inquiries about the reasons for the refusal.
If an examiner chooses to provide additional comments, you will find them below in the "Additional Comments".

Your desire to volunteer is greatly appreciated and maybe we will be able to use your skills in the future.

The Open Directory Project


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Here it is unfortunately automatic response!
we don't have any kind of automatic response system for editor applications. They are all evaluated individually by volunteer meta editors or catmods. Human beings make all the decisions.

However, we do have some standard responses to save some of their time and it looks as though the evaluator chose to send you one of those.

All the fields have been filled in perfectly.
If they had been and your examples were appropriate with good titles and descriptions, your application would have been accepted.

Nobody has bothered to read my request!
As I said earlier, only human beings evaluate applications. To be declined, your application must have been read.

125979 125982


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I've just looked at your two most recent applications. I have no Italian but I can see immediately why they were declined and the reasons are included in that standardised response that you received.

I have some advice for you:

- Read our editor guidelines and study existing listings before trying again.
- Provide three examples appropriate to the category, of which at least two are not associated with you.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.