My Site Doesn't Exactly Fit


Sep 16, 2005
Hey guys/gals!

I understand about you not being able to update the status of a particular submission and I respect that but I'd like to ask a general question: I beleive my site may be having trouble becoming listed because it does not fall into an exact category. We have a google PR of 4/10, 131K inbound links, are featured content partners of Yahoo and CBS and our weekly Alexa rank is under 50K. We have tried a few times over the past year to submit our site (like once every 4 months) with no luck.

My questions is there a highlevel category editor who might be able to pick out a suitable deeper category for our site? In our case, is there a person in charge of "sports" in general that could review us and refer our link to the right place?

Thanks in advance for any advice and keep up the great work.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
pliskin said:
We have a google PR of 4/10, 131K inbound links, are featured content partners of Yahoo and CBS and our weekly Alexa rank is under 50K.
Although all of these are probably good for your site non of them have any influence on the possibility to be listed in DMOZ. We only care about content, unique content.

pliskin said:
We have tried a few times over the past year to submit our site (like once every 4 months) with no luck.
No need to suggest a site so many times.
Either it is still waiting review (read the faq for more information on this subject) or it is rejected.

pliskin said:
My questions is there a highlevel category editor who might be able to pick out a suitable deeper category for our site? In our case, is there a person in charge of "sports" in general that could review us and refer our link to the right place?
Sorry but we don't do site reviews at R-Z.
There is only one thing you can do in relation to a possible listing for your site: wait.


Sep 16, 2005

Thanks for the response and I did indeed read the entire FAQ. I am a long supporter of DMOZ and my brother was a category editor at or close to the very beginning so I am very familiar with how the process was intended to work. I also undertsand that you must get deluged with requests from sites wanting to be listed so I apologize for adding to that list.

It is frustrating from both our site's perspective; when we are in the top 10 of our keywords on MSN, top 20 in Yahoo/Overture and AOL, have signed content deals with Yahoo and CBS and have amazing and unique content that can't be found anywhere and yet have to wait over a year to get listed by DMOZ. It is also frustrating from a huge believer in the open directory project that relevant and unique sites do not get listed which lessens the value of the ODP, imho.

Anyhow, no response needed, I'm just venting. :) Have a great weekend.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's nobody in "charge" of anything. There are just editors who have privileges to work in areas (such as all of the directory, or all of Sports, or all of Regional/..../New_Jersey/Podunk/Recreation, or whatever.)

And there's no way to ask for an editor to look for the right category for a site, because ... we do that for all suggested sites anyway. (Few enough of them are suggested to the right place, as any experienced editor knows!) And that is something any editor can do for any site submitted within their "area of privilege".

The usual advice applies: do the best job you can of finding the right category (in other words, give us all the help you can) and we'll take it the rest of the way.


Sep 16, 2005
Thanks again and I will just continue to wait. I myself have had trouble trying to figure out the best category for our site which is very different from anything out there so I was only curious if that might be a part of the problem and if there was a way to work around that.

Anyhow, no further responses from you guys is required as I am sure youhave a ton of other things to attend to.
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