My site got one click from DMOZ!



Hi, I am wondering why my site got one click through from DMOZ a few days ago when I am not listed in any directory!


May 26, 2002
Maybe you are listed?

The public side has not been updated for over a month. It is unlinked from the edit side, as the edit side is going offline in a few hours for some major work. The editor side will be back online in a week or so, and the public side will probably be updated just before the end of the month.

But then again, having read the other threads here you already knew that.

As for your site, if you want to know the status, post the site URL and a clickable link to the submitted category and someone will take a look. It is possible that it was just an editor looking at your site, who may have moved it to the unreviewed queue of another category, listed it in the directory somewhere, deleted the entry, or done nothing at all. You'll never know until you ask.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.