My Site (Have I blotted my copy book?)



Hello, I have been listed in dmoz for a while ( ) but recently (and I don't know why) I thought that I'd add myself to additional categories. After about the third category (all relevent) I noticed the text about NOT adding your site to multiple categories.

I have now been removed from . I have written to the editor but had no reply.

Can I find out if I'm black-listed, or failing that, where my URL is in a queue. I appreciate the amount of work involved but it would be nice to know that I'm 204th of 256 sites...and to be able to see that number change over time, to get a better idea of what is going on without needing to speak to someone.



The group of unreviewed sites for that category is huge, and there is no way to know what in which order or timeframe they'll be reviewed.

I see no evidence that your site has ever been listed anywhere in the directory. Am I misreading what you've posted above?


I was listed in dmoz, though it may have been in a weblogs category, I can't remember, but it was up there as (being a mac user and not having the Google Toolbar) I used to use the Google directory to check my page rank.

Thanks for the prompt reply

I believe that Google Directory has some sites not listed in ours. They start with our directory, but they aren't limited to it. I bet this is what you saw.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.