My site .... it is on dmoz


Aug 1, 2012
Hi there dear dmozers?! Alex is here. So, I have a site. It is my personal site, commercial in nature, but it is of god quality, at least one of the best in my niche. I think I have been trying to get accepted like more than 3 times now and I submitted my site probably once every 7 months of so. And what is the result? I got nothing. At the same time there are sites that are less informative, unattractive and they are in I heard that many people in my area believe that to get accepted they need to become editors. Is that the way how things are? I AM kinda pissed at dmoz, sorry guys, I know you don't own me anything, but still, that makes me feel kinda bad. I have been working on my site for a while, it has been around since .... I don't remember, 2005 and nothing. That sucks, truly.
How come was I not accepted?


Aug 1, 2012
Yeah, I just noticed I made a typo in the subject of this thread. It is NOT on dmoz, hell.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> but it is of god quality, at least one of the best in my niche. I think
Every person does think so about his own website :)

> I have been trying to get accepted like more than 3 times now and I submitted my site probably once every 7 months of so.
We clearly ask anybody to suggest a website only ONCE to the ONE best category. By suggesting it more than once you might have been the cause yourself of a longer time between first sugegstion and review.

> How come was I not accepted?
The same question has been explained many times. Please read some of the other threads.


Aug 1, 2012
> but it is of god quality, at least one of the best in my niche. I think
Every person does think so about his own website :)

> I have been trying to get accepted like more than 3 times now and I submitted my site probably once every 7 months of so.
We clearly ask anybody to suggest a website only ONCE to the ONE best category. By suggesting it more than once you might have been the cause yourself of a longer time between first sugegstion and review.

> How come was I not accepted?
The same question has been explained many times. Please read some of the other threads.

Thanks for your reply. I like to think that I am not "everyone".
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