My site no longer appears in search engines...



Hello. My site was registered almost 3 years ago and used to appear in the search engines with no problem. Now it doesn't appear at all and the site appears to be unregistered. I was wondering if someone could please help me to become re-registered or, if there is some sort of code violation, to please help me rectify the error. Thanks very much.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This site has apparently never been listed in the Open Directory, which is really all we can help you with here. If you have submitted to an Open Directory category more than a month ago, post in the Site Submission forum, and someone may look and see what its status is.

Your page at is listed in Google, and has a reference BUT NO LINK to your other page. If you make that a real link, then Google will be able to find the other one. But this is not a place for advice about search engine promotions: we just do the Open Directory.


Thank you for your quick response. My question ins't about search engine optimization, but rather the fact that my site is not registered at all anymore. I did register it with your organization a few years ago. As a painter, I really just want the site to appear when my specific name is looked for. Should I submit the site as if it were new? Do you have any ideas as to why it would have disappeared from all directories suddenly? (i.e maybe too many graphics and not enough text?) Thank you!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what you mean by "registered." But I believe the site has never been listed in the Open Directory.

If you think otherwise, (or even if it was never listed but you did submit it) then please tell us what category it was listed in (or submitted to), and we may be able to look further (in case there's an error in our database).

But it's not in our directory, and so far as we can tell from the information you gave us, it was never in our directory.


Jun 16, 2003
As was pointed out above, we have no record of the URL having been listed in the ODP. If you would like us to list it, you should submit it.

Here's a place where it might fit.

You should verify the appropriateness of the category yourself. I don't know anything about the geography of Spain and just took a cursory glance at your site. Because your site is available in both English and Spanish, you may also want to submit to the corresponding World/Español area of the directory.

To answer the question about why your site doesn't come up in search engines anymore, you should follow totalXSive's advice.

Good Luck.

<added> That'll teach me to go answer the phone and then come back and hit submit without checking to see what's been said. (No wait, actually, this is yet another ploy in my campaign for biggest luzer.) :D </added>


Thank you very much for the replies. I went ahead and submitted the site under arts-visual art-paintings-painters-figuartive. I will also submit the site a second time in a Spanish language category, as you mentioned above. Thanks again!
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.