My site shows BUT can I resubmit it?

Oct 20, 2007
Hi guys

My site shows in DMOZ for one category that defines perfectly my website. There are other categories that also describe my site well.

If I would like to show it in other categories, what shall I do to submit the site to the appropiate category o wait till dmoz find this category relevant for my site? Thanks


Jan 23, 2003
If I would like to show it in other categories, what shall I do to submit the site to the appropiate category

If your site is listed once within the part of the directory tree that begins with Regional/ then you may suggest it one additional time to the single best category not in Regional/.

If your site is listed once outside the part of the directory tree that begins with Regional/ then you may suggest it one additional time to the single best category within Regional/ based upon the physical locality where you have a presence. Do not suggest within Regional/ based upon where you market.

In addition, you may make additional suggestions within the World/ part of the directory for each non-English language where the site has a reasonably complete human translation. Under no circumstances should anyone suggest a site that has machine translated content within World.
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