my site stats

Eli Aloisi

Aug 6, 2004
I'm just curious about something.
My logs on my website show people coming to my site from dmoz every once in awhile (about 2-3 times a month for the last couple months). Since my site is not in the dmoz directory and is waiting review does that mean it's an editor thats going to my site to look at it?

If so thats mixed news. It's great that someone is at least looking at my site and considering adding it. The downside is with a site thats so exact to the catagory and pretty self explanitory how many times could you possibly have to look at it before adding it? Would it really take months after months to add write a description and title for a site thats about Oregon real estate and is in the catagory Oregon real estate. I mean it's not like you have to write a 40 page essay on it.

It's just kind of odd.


Apr 15, 2003
You've posted many messages about your site in the forum. At least 25 messages in around 8 threads. Every time you post, I'm sure it attracts the interest of one or more editors. Also, editors just browing through here long after you post.

If an editor is interested in looking up what's going on in your site submission history, you see an editor in the log. For the most part, those editors will not be able to review your site . So the visit is meaningless.

[I, for example would be unable to review and add your site]


Sep 1, 2004
I'm sure you know already but I'll just mention that a referral from here - - is meaningless. Referrals from dmoz don't mean much either. One shouldn't consume too many of one's cpu cycles on these - life is too short.

Real estate is considered a difficult category I think. Lots and lots of sites, all similar, lots of potential for trouble. If you submitted a site on the life of Phan Boi Chau (actually his death is more interestng) I'd click in there, be suitably impressed, and put loving effort into the description. The site might look a lot more basic than any real estate site but I'd be happy 'cos the unreviewed I deal with are currently dominated by tour operators and shopping sites and I need some "low hanging fruit" occasionally. :)

When I click on another tour operator that may or may not be trying to trick me with their latest mirror I get a headache and go off and read the Guardian.

That's this editor's perspective.
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