My site submission - over 6 months passed !


Jul 11, 2005

i have a small problem: i have submited my site about 6 months ago (or so) and it's not listed ... I understand the editors get lots of submissions - but after this period would it be OK if I resubmited it without breaking the rules ?! (I saw somewhere in the submission policy that submitting the site more than once could prevent it from being shown at all in the directory ...)
I am asuming that my site was rejected ... or is it possible it might have not been reviewed by now ?!



Mar 25, 2002
Depending on what category the submission was made to, the two most common reasons for no listing yet are:

Hasn't been reviewed yet - you don't need to do anything - suggestions don't get deleted after a particular time

Has been declined - you don't need to do anything - the site isn't suitable for listing in the ODP.

I can't tell you which of them it is, or if it is another, much less common reason, but if you make ONE more submission to the same category, then you will not be labelled a spammer. It will not speed up the time to review, and may slow it down further, but it takes care of the rare case that a submission never made it.

After doing that - once - there is really nothing more you can do.

Hope this helps.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.