My site (url removed)


New Member
Dec 11, 2010
A quien corresponda:

Hace ya casi un mes que llene mi aplicacion para que mi sitio <url removed> fuera incluido en el directorio de "Ventas por Internet" de DMOZ pero hasta este momento no lo veo listado.

Quisiera saber si alguien podria decirme el estado de mi aplicacion o si ya fue rechazado como puedo saberlo?

To Whom it might concern
"I filled out an application for my site <url> to be included under the non English "Ventas por Internet" category. I am searching the category and the search results but nothing shows up. Can anyone help by giving an update of the status of my application?

Thank you.

The site owner.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Several years sounds very long. :D
Yes, it is long, but as we are volunteer driven, there is no way of knowing in advance when an editor will review a site.
The best is to suggest the site once, then forget about it - sometime in the future you may have a pleasant surprise ^_^
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.