My Submission



I have submitted to the open directory now three times and my page still does not appear and there is not an editor for me to contact!!

I have each time resent the email back that asks you to reply back and each time I have been asked to resubmit this last time they emailed me back that they lost my submission resubmit again!!!

I sent my first submission in on March 15, 2003 and here it is now July 8th of 2003 and I am still not on the open directory I realized it would take a few weeks but 5 months!!!

Who can I contact to get this taken care of? Can I please get my page looked at and added as soon as possible I think I have waited long enough. Can anyone help me please!!!!

I have a great page and I am getting traffic I just would like to be in the open directory!! Thank you so much for all your help and understanding!!!


Nov 6, 2002
I'm afraid your site doesn't meet our requirements for unique content, and so won't be listed.

Sorry I couldn't be the bearer of better news.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.