My Take On The ODP Issues


Feb 1, 2006
Well, everyone else seems to be opening big, long threads detailing exactly what their views on the ODP and their alleged problems are-- and then changing them halfway through. It looks like fun, so I figure I'll take a stab at it.

Here's the sicchyation as I see it:

(1) ODP does, regardless of intent, impact site listings in Google, and thus, will always be given URLs and expected to list them.

(2) ODP editors and members do not understand eachother at all.

(3) People refuse to read.

(4) Promising a listing timeframe takes the "volunteer" out of the editor description, which means there are less volunteers, and therefore less listings. (This is obviously a bad idea)

(5) If stupid people would stop spamming the directory, everyone's lives would be better.

(6) Submit and forget is the only thing DMOZ can do, and isn't enough for webmasters.

(7) Sites may not get reviewed for years on end, and there's nothing you can do about it.

(8) Editors will not be payed to list your site faster (unless you're very very rich... I'm kidding!)

(9) There are millions of these threads clogging the forums and wasting editors' time.

(10) Becoming an editor is about as likely as getting your site listed-- and there's nothing DMOZ can do about it.

(11) Swearing and insulting members/editors is not a great way to build respect.

(12) Staying silent is often the best solution-- and it allows you to laugh as the paradox unfolds.

(13) Most these problems are unfixable.

Therefore, I believe the following action be taken:

(1) All spammers should be hunted down and gutted like little fishies.

I think that will solve everyone's problems. If not, it will at least be fun.

All humor aside though, these are the issues as I see them. Take my opinions with a grain of salt. Actually, leave the salt. I'm using it.



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Nice listing. Some comments:

Regarding 1):
We never said they don't. Some non-editors in this and other fora say they don't, and sometimes we quote that. As an editor, I think it is good if a handselected directory has an impact on search results. Reason: See our motto - "Humans do it better".

Regarding 2) :
I think we do understand the non-odp-editors. But a large group of them are webmasters who want to see their own site listed as fast as possible. And this isn't a service we offer. We do understand their concerns, but we just don't care. We can't care, as you state in your further points. But there is a main difference: Suggestions aren't consiudered the most important thing for us, applications are considered very important. Due to lack of manpower (Which volunteer organization doen't know this problem?) we can't process them as fast as we would like to. But no editor applications are in the queue for years. Most are handled within a timeframe of 1 or two weeks, for several reasons some need a few months.


Regarding 10)
That might seem so, but it isn't. It is true that a lot of applications are turned down. But it doesn't make sense to accept a new editor who doesn't even show some interest to list other sites than his own in the application. Or someone who write every sentence with 4 mistakes. Or someone who isn't honest to us.

Regarding solution 1:
Agreed. We are always working on this, and I am pleased to say we made big advantages over the last year or so. But as you surely have seen yourself as a google-user, spammers arrive in waves, and every wave has a new technique...

If you or other members want to help, point out sites that neeed caring in the apropriuate thread here on RZ or file an update request.


Apr 8, 2004
Excellent post, windharp. I couldn't have said it better, but I do have a little more to say regarding #10.

Nothing could be farther from the truth regarding #10. The only thing you can do to help get your site listed is suggest it. That's it in a nutshell. You have absolutely no control over any action that is taken after that. But in actuality you have all the control over becoming an editor. No one will be turned down if they do their homework and take the application seriously!

When I applied to become an editor, I spent days studying everything: Guidelines, FAQ's for the category, Descriptions for the category, and many, many posts here in RZ. I was accepted in hours, but only because I did everything right the first time. Trust me it isn't hard at all to become an editor if you study the information and apply what you study.

former editor



Feb 1, 2006
For the record, these points are not necessarily my views, but the views repeatedly expressed by people in this forum. Hence, ten is a bit faulty, as only people who can't get to be editor come here to whine about it.

As for solution one, I am, at the moment, forming a party to go foraying throughout the world and slaughtering all spammers. If you would like to join, please visit (Note to any editor who wants to edit the URL out: It doesn't exist. If it does, then somebody needs to rethink their domain name)

Regarding windharp:

(1) I never said you ever said you don't. ;)

(2) I think you do, but they insist you don't, and thus, it had to be added to my list. I think the main problem is from a USER standpoint, not an editor. If users would stop spamming, a good deal of the problems would go away. If wishes were fishes...

In closing:

Crwth. What a cool word. It's an actual word, too. It's an ancient Celtic fiddle-like instrument. It has no vowels. How cool is that?



Apr 8, 2004
Just for the record, Polly, we were not saying it was what you said or believed. But we still have to address #10 because any new members might read it and think it was true regardless of who was actually saying it. Just because it isn't what you think, doesn't mean that others would not think that.

former editor:)
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