My third time

Please help,

I try to become a "french editor" and i haven't yet any answer about why i'm rejected.
The first time, it was a bug,
The second, it was for an obscure reason,
And now, i'm still waiting, as usual.
Is there too many editors in france?
Is my french too poor?
I don't know?
Please give me an answer. It should help me to become an ODP editor.
For informations, have a look to this thread:
Sorry, it's in french.

Thanks for your help,



Apr 25, 2002
These tips are not in any way specific to your application, as I have no information about your application.

When applying, you must find quality web sites to add. Go to Google and find useful resources. You must add them to the right category, demonstrating a basic understanding of the directory. Your descriptions and titles must match the DMOZ "style", and make no grammatical or mechanical errors in your writing. Take a look through the category you are applying to edit and its parent and sister categories. Try to write your titles and descriptions like the ones in those categories. If you cannot discern a specific style, find a well-developed category and read the titles and descriptions there. The editorial standards for DMOZ are different from other directories. Do not write a "Yahoo!" style title or description, or a "LookSmart" style title or description.

If you have an affiliation with a business that could in any way benefit from a listing anywhere in DMOZ, you should state it. If you have an affiliation with a business that could in any way benefit from a listing in the category to which are applying, then you must state it.

Finally, apply for a small, non-commercial category at first, a category with little potential for abuse. As you learn more about the directory, and improve your skills, you may be able to edit other categories.

Follow these tips, and your chances of being accepted are greatly improved.

Thank's a lot for your time,

I did all you said.

What's up? I don't know!
That's the question?
Is there a "specific french way of life"?
I hope it's not, because it's an "open project" and i hope that France can't do all they'd like! If they are doing; please, on the french page of dmoz put an "french information". I mean, for exemple: "That's the french way of life, if you'd like to become an editor, ask in the english part of dmoz. Thank's for your attention. The dmoz project."




Apr 25, 2002
I only speak English, but it appears that you have discussed this with an editor who speaks French in another thread. I refer you to that thread.


Apr 25, 2002
I have read the post using Babelfish, and suggest that your questions are being adequately addressed in that thread by a meta editor. Please, for the good of this process, do not post the same question in multiple threads.

Thank's a lot for your help.
In fact, I thought it was a "french speaking people" exception.
If you're the "ODP Speaker" i understand there's no way.
Thank's for your help.

PS: I am happy of the french answers. Maybe they don't speak english /images/icons/smile.gif .


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:</font><hr><p>Maybe they don't speak english<p><hr></blockquote>
Yes, we do /images/icons/wink.gif
There is no "spécificité française" here, the editing Guidelines are the same in all languages. and the metas editors must follow exactly the same Guidelines in all languages to handle the new editors applications. Like I've told you in French, your application will be treated ASAP by one of us.
Be patient /images/icons/wink.gif

Thank's for your faster answer, dear cmic.
Are you the french boss? If it is, please do something!
Because the "third time" is the good time! Don't you think so?
But, it's the second time, you said you did! Will you do now something? Or will you still do nothing as at the last time?
Thank's for your english.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:</font><hr><p>Are you the french boss? <p><hr></blockquote>
Not at all, we have no "boss" /images/icons/wink.gif
Here is the list of the Meta Editors who can accept or reject your application.
Once again, be patient, we are all volunteer (édtiteurs bénévoles) , we have family, private life and many things to do.
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