my web is not listed again


May 17, 2006
hi everybody

i'm the owner of the . i have submitted my web site dmoz but it's not listed again and again.

can you look my web site and suggest the true category for dmoz that dmoz editor will accept my site



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Sorry, but that is not a service we offer. If you have suggested your site for review, that is all you can do. It can take a long time (up to several years) until it is reviewed, and if you have already suggested it more than once there is no reason to suggest it again. A site suggestion does not go away until it has been reviewed, and if you send it in again it will not make the review happen quicker (it's more likely to delay it).


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
OK -- that could mean several things.

* An editor or an automated process went through the waiting links, manually or robotically, to check that they were still working.
* An editor looked at the site without reviewing it -- s/he may for instance have moved it to a more suitable category for review there.
* Your site was reviewed. The reviewing editor found that the site was not listable.
* Some other reason entirely. If it happened after you posted the URL here the first time, it's quite likely that some curious editor wanted to have a look at the site. Editors are generally curious, that's one of the things that make them good editors.

A hit from in your referrer logs does not mean that your site was reviewed, or even looked at by an editor (as I said, there are some tools that might do it as well -- but nothing is removed by tools without an editor checking first, in case you were worried.) Conversely, an editor could very well review your site without leaving a hit from dmoz in your referrer logs.

Regardless of which of the above points is the reason for the hit, there is no need, and no reason, for you to suggest your site again.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If a site is rejected, there's basically only one reason: the editor couldn't easily find any unique content, or any indication that there was unique content.

Comparing that site to all the other sites in the software directories category, and all other sites in related (less specific) directories categories, IS there unique content? and IS it obvious to the casual surfer?

If not, expect rejection.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.