My web site never listed i done more than 200 times


Apr 15, 2005

Why would you even bother going through the process 200 times? :S Think about how much money you could have been making selling cosmetics during that time? While I truly believe DMOZ to be a very useful and important directory, it is not the end all to be all.....If you are seriously a company that has been around since 1956 as you state, you should simply pony up the $300 that yahoo charges for commercial submissions and get listed in their directory. BTW, i really hope you didn't go submitting 200 times, because, I believe that action itself would render your site unlistable according to the DMOZ guidelines. Lastly, I really am still unsure why everybody seems to take a do or die attitude when it comes to being listed in DMOZ, being listed in DMOZ by itself will not ensure your website a top ranking....this is a thorough misconception. It can help an already well designed, optimized site possibly receive higher rankings, but, by itself, it will not rank you #1 in google...especially for a category as thick as I am sure cosmetics probably is. I will give you a little tidbit of advice, dedicated your own dedicated server, this alone will give you a decent leap when it comes to search engines.


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