My Web Store Belongs in Three Categories???


May 19, 2008
I applied for insertion several months ago. My site is not listed yet. It is probable that an editor has not analized it yet, for I believe you are quite short of them. Or something else: my web page could belong in 3 different categories!

I'll explain without giving the URL:
(1) One section of my web features coat of arms and family surname history. Therefore, category HERALDRY
(2) Another section of my web features products with First Name Meanings. Therefore, PERSONALIZED GIFTS.
(3) And yet another section features photo gifts (tiles, plaques with photos, etc). I am not even sure about this one, maybe PERSONALIZED GIFTS also.

I wonder if my site is held for this reason of the categories. If this is so, what can I do? Can you advise?

Thank you and best regards,
Julian E. Ortiz
<removing pseudo signature>


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
In Shopping, we only list a website's root URL and that in just one category.

If you can't find a better category, try Shopping/General_Merchandise.


May 19, 2008
Hello Jim,

Thank you for a very prompt reply.

I did not explain myself sufficiently: I did port the root URL, the web's portal to the other sections (I also have a blog section)

First time, I posted it under Shopping:Recreation:Genealogy:Heraldry.

After 2 months, I posted the URL under Shopping:Gifts:personalized: Names and Definitions.

I am afraid that I could have hurt my chances of listing by posting on 2 different categories. Should I try a third one?

I just don't know. You people are the ones who know. And I laso understand that there are hundreds of people (maybe thousands) waiting, asking demanding...The Directory have become very important for a site to become visible to be left aside. Survival depends on it.

Jim, I am not a kid. I am 61 years old and have closed 3 business in the last 3years. I owned a successful international moving business for 30 years but had to close it due to Chavez (it was in Venezuela) 2 other business were retail in Miami that fell to the recession. I am trying my best in the internet and I am not quitting. The Directory IS important.

I saw the light many years back, and understood that we can build together a better world, no matter the odds...Can you give me a hand?

Julian E. Ortiz:.
<removing pseudo signature>


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Julian, as you have already suggested the site twice I don't think any further suggestions are needed. It can take quit some time before an editor will look at them. Especially because it is in shopping, a group of categories that gets a lot of spam. But when an editor reviews the site he/she will decide if it is suggested to the right category, and when not will move it to the appropriate category. Nothing to worry about for you it is something we have to do a lot of times and we understand that sometimes it is difficult to determine the right category for a non-editor.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Survival depends on it.
If the survival of your business depends on the actions of an anonymous bunch of uncontrolled and uncontrollable volunteers, any financial advisor would tell you to close it down now.

Harsh but true. Ask your bank manager.


May 19, 2008
Thank you, pvgool, for your words. I also understand it that way.

Jim, thank you also but again i must have not explained myself for you seem to be on a tangent...I meant that for a web page (commercial, that is) to be visible is a matter of survival...not to be in the dmoz. Of course this helps because it has become an important tool of visibility.

Whether uncontrolled and/or uncontrollable, volunteers do a great work. Their goal upon giving of their time freely is not to put down people nor feeling grand by blocking access...but rather to guide and fulfill a task that would make -in an ideal world- of the internet a safer experience with equal opportunities for all.

For all that, I thank you guys. I tried becoming an editor, even though I could not dispose of much time. But I have 2 girls 12 and 15 (in spite of my age) and I have always believed in leaving a better world behind for them and their generation. There is too much cynicism already.

I wasn't accepted, maybe because I am waiting for my web to be listed. But in my mind, there was no mixup. I was just trying to do the right thing.

Well, I shall not take your time anymore. Keep up the good work.

Julian E. Ortiz
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