My website was de-listed...why?

Jan 21, 2009
I was an editor with Dmoz and listed my own site in my category. The editor "above" me (I have no idea who it was) took my site off because they said it was "spider food". This is completely untrue (I wrote every word of my content to help car owners with their car questions). My website met all of the guidelines to be included in the ODP. How can an editor just tell me that I can't include it?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We do not discuss the listing or delisting of individual websites on R-Z.

As an editor you should ask the other editor involved for more explanation.
And as you might know DMOZ has clear guidelines which type of websites we do list and which we do not.
Jan 21, 2009
We do not discuss the listing or delisting of individual websites on R-Z.

As an editor you should ask the other editor involved for more explanation.
And as you might know DMOZ has clear guidelines which type of websites we do list and which we do not.

I could never figure out who the other editor was. My website met ALL of the guidelines...this is why it is so upsetting. It is surprising and unbelievable to me that an editor that has more power can just take off another website even though it meets all the guidelines. It also makes me not want to be an editor, if I can't even edit my own category according to the guidelines.
Jan 21, 2009
Just for the record, your editor account timed out in May 2010 due to inactivity.

You'll have mail shortly.

I know...I was tired of being an editor because I couldn't even add sites that met all of the ODP guidelines. I added great sites to my category and I made the ODP a better directory, but because the editor over me was impossible to work with I just wasn't motivated to try and do more editing.
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