My website was rejected before, but


May 9, 2005
since then I have add new content pages, and revised my website. I have followed the rules of open directory, so I figured my website was not accepted because of not enough content. Will it be ok for me to resubmit my website to open directory? How many times can a person submit their website to open directory?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
In general, we do not encourage what you are thinking: in my experience, over 99% of all ineligible sites could not be made eligible for listing.

I'd say look at the BEST (most content-rich) 10% of sites in the category. If you have enough content (UNIQUE content, that is, information not available elsewhere on the web in any form) to rank with those sites, then resubmitting is not unreasonable.

I emphasize "unique content." If it's a business site, then no other site on the web should describe that business. ALSO, if it's offering goods or services, they should be not available elsewhere. (Any real businessman will be able to tell you what unique good or service he offers. Just make sure it's on the website.) Advertising other people's goods or services -- just say no.

If it's offering information, make sure the information isn't available elsewhere. It's not good enough to rephrase someone else's language -- it should make a contribution to the sum of human knowledge or experience: it should be what you know or have done (or a representation of what someone else knew, but hadn't yet put on the internet. (for example: original poetry -- OK; transcribed text of nineteenth-century poets -- great; personal comments on favorite poems -- OK; recycled poems cribbed off other internet sites -- just say no.)


Apr 13, 2005

I have search your listed sites, and i will not and never will name other peoples websites but you said Quote:

I emphasize "unique content." If it's a business site, then no other site on the web should describe that business. ALSO, if it's offering goods or services, they should be not available elsewhere. (Any real businessman will be able to tell you what unique good or service he offers. Just make sure it's on the website.) Advertising other people's goods or services -- just say no.

but i have found a few hundred sites that do sell other people goods and so on within domz, when you have site call www.designerblah blah .com, would that not have given a few hundred site away even before you enter them?

The reason i say this, my site sell branded stuff and if i cant get listed why should have all the rest, and does domz have a editor that checks at random?

Kind regards



Apr 13, 2005
making my point clear

just on clothing alone you list 7109 site and more than a hand full sell timberland, dnky, gap, this is endless and not one brand per site but hundreds of labels per store.



Apr 13, 2005
pete maybe could give me a reply

Ok dmoz, now can someone please have some kind of reply to this, or are we not sure what to say so best say nothing ? pete bob jack anyone?

Im sure everyone here to come would like to know if its one rule for all ?




Jan 23, 2003
The rule is thus: we are not going to hold your hand throuugh the resubmittal process. The guidleines are public, they are for everyone. There is a FAQ. there are thousands of forum threads.

Read them, and follow them, but for goodness sakes, we are not going to continue to answer a constant stream of questions from you, in multiple threads.

We have better things to do, like build a directory.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, it is often easy to identify something about a website that ISN'T unique. But ... we ignore all that as best we can. What we look for is something that IS unique. If we find it, we consider listing the site.


Apr 13, 2005
unique content

Thank you for you reply hutcheson,

Now i understand what you are looking for.

I dont needed my hand held, i was just asking some advice so i could improve my site with hopefully what dmoz is looking for, and your FAQ did not make it very clear, at a guess, it would have to cover all the ins and outs and take lots of writing to cover every single point, So thats why i like to asked the experts who knows best.

Im not here too pee people off. :)

Again thxs

Kind Regards



Aug 2, 2002
so i could improve my site with hopefully what dmoz is looking for
Why not improve it with hopefully what potential customers are looking for. Designing a site with a DMOZ listing in mind is a recipe for disappointment. And even if the site is listable it can take an awful long time for someone to even look at it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
bellclocks, if you're thinking "best STYLE" or best "DESIGN" or most "ATTRACTIVE" or anything like that, then you're not on the same wavelength as the ODP. I once gave a "cool" site designation to the ugliest site in acategory -- and poor web design to boot. But the guy had a passion for the subject, and he had far more content on the subject than everybody else on the web put together. That's what counts.

Stylistic criticism is out of place in ODP editing. It would not be fair to impose MY concept of good web design on you: you don't know what it is; you almost certainly couldn't live up to it; and if you did live up to it, unfortunately, you still might get reviewed by oneeye according to HIS concept of good web design (and he's a bit of a philistine, I hear).

There's no pleasing all of us -- so just do your best by your standards. Whoever reviews your site can just squint and curse and look for the content, just like we do for everyone else, and just like the potential customers do.


Aug 2, 2002
bellclocks said:
I went to the category as suggested and started going through the websites listed, and was floored at how bad they were! one site even states:
WARNING! If you're seeing yellow or green highlights, or squiggly lines on this web site,
'You're Being Misled!'
Click Here

Some sites offer good content with not-so-good layout. Some sites offer really slick design but no eligible content. Editors are quite skilled at looking past the flashy design of some sites and analysing the core value. Yes, some of those sites ain't pretty, but are often comprehensive.

Also, why pick out a site that prominently displays an anti-parasiteware banner? That's nothing to do with bad design - that's a webmaster protecting their interests.
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