National network of local community sites; whether to submit 1 url or multiple?


Nov 8, 2007

My company <URL Removed> has built a UK-wide network of local community web sites - one for each "1st level of electable government" -a parish town or ward (so we cover the whole of the UK - nowhere missed out/nowhere duplicated). We have the national url, <URL Removed> ... and each community in the network has its own url <URL Removed>/<name of community>.

Only 11% of our audience enters through the national page - most people go to their local community site.

The local council in each area adopts their site on behalf of their community, and then appoints their own web editor - usually the parish clerk. Some 2,800councils in the UK have adopted their site, and about 1,000 of these have generated significant local content... parish council info & contact details / local organisations / businesses / what's on etc.

There are about 300 community sites listed in total in DMOZ under UK/England/Government/Local Council:parish and Town, and about 5 are community sites from our network, where the local editor has successfully submitted their site.

I don't want to spam, nor do I want to inundate an editor with lots of community urls - but my question is:

"Is it acceptable to submit perhaps the top 200 community sites within our network that have the most unique content, along with their unique urls?"



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
In most cases the editors will only want to list the main URL, in some special cases the main URL will be deemed a very good resource and could be deeplinked. You should only suggest the main URL to the single best category that it would cover and the editors will review it. If the reviewing editors believe that some of the deeplinks offer enough quality, unique content they may choose to list them as well.

I would not recommend ignoring the suggestion instructions that specifically state to submit the main URL once to the best category.


Nov 8, 2007
Thanks Shadow - the reason I asked you for advice was so that I could follow it ... and I will. Appreciate your time.
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