National organization requests info and assistance


Jan 20, 2015

We were very surprised today to discover that our national organization ALIPAC (founded 9/11 2004) had been removed from your directory. While several of our political opposition's sites, and a few of our allies sites, remain on DMOZ our primary website [URL removed] is no longer on your very important and influential directory.

We also checked and all of our secondary websites are now missing from the DMOZ directory as well. We meet all of DMOZ listed requirements and we are the worlds largest archive of information about illegal immigration at [URL Removed]

If someone could please advise us on when and why our sites were removed or how we can expedite our resubmission, any help and guidance would be appreciated. We represent how a majority of Americans feel regarding the adequate enforcement of America's existing immigration laws and as such we have faced many high level attempts to silence us or diminish our audience reach online.

Today we have resubmitted our following top three websites in order of priority...

[URLs removed]

We are thankful for your service and for your assistance on this matter.


William Gheen
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878
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Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
A site may be removed from the directory if it is unavailable when checked. It may be moved to a different category and sent to Unreviewed in that category. It may not be suitable for the directory according to guidelines. These are a few of the reasons that a site that was listed might not be listed anymore.
Any new suggestions for a site will be processed at some time by some editor. There is no priority and we will not list a site simply because a site owner requests it, as that would be very unfair to others who are also in the queue.
Incidentally, a site only gets listed once. The three URLs you mentioned would probably not all get listed, since the directory does not allow for fraternal and identical mirror sites. One main URL would be chosen and the rest not listed.


Jan 20, 2015

Thank you for your reply. Our national organization's main website has not been down for more than about 30 minutes in the last five years due to the professional hosting and administration we have obtained. As far as we can tell, our site at <url removed> meets all DMOZ guidelines certainly on par with the other similar national group sites you have listed. The three sites I listed are not identical nor are they fraternal. They are three different efforts launched by a national organization deemed to be important enough to the national debate that we are now archived by the US Library of Congress.

I did not see any prohibition against multiple websites put together by the same organization and in fact Ive spotted other websites listed that are all backed by the same financial powers.

We are not asking anyone to take any actions 'simply because we request it'. We are asking for information about when and why our listing was removed and if there are any safeguard in place to protect the integrity of DMOZ from an editor engaging in partisan or activism deletion of sites? The chances are our site was removed for some other reason, but surely there must be someone that can assist a national organization inquiring about our removal.

Otherwise, why have a forum on this matter. Is the answer to questions about submission always the same and simply that someone must submit a site, wait for weeks or months, and expect no answers or assistance with problems other that the standard reply?

That is not the situation we are in. We are a national organization that submitted our sites and efforts on the Internet to you years ago and were listed but have been removed recently at a time we have many elite financial and political power seeking to silence our point of view.

Can you tell us more about what mechanisms DMOZ has in place for editor action reviews and what mechanisms you have in place for any sites that may be removed from your directory by an editor for reasons other than not meeting your criteria?

Also, can you tell us if your criteria for being listed on DMOZ has changed recently because we apparently met your criteria for many years before we were removed from DMOZ.

Thank you for your time and attention to our specific case regarding the removal of <domain removed> from DMOZ.

William Gheen
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Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
I have again removed the URLs in your post. Please stop posting URLs. If you need to learn about DMOZ please see the information that is available to all potential users at There is no service offered here to discuss and/or deal with a specific site regarding editing.


Jan 20, 2015
I did read all of those materials. So the purpose of this forum is to tell people just to read the website, submit, and leave it be? Is there no other form of contact, review, or assistance available? I had hoped that DMOZ editors were available to assist people here on this forum? I'm not trying to be a pain, I just have to gather as much information as possible for our Board of Advisers to let them know as much as I can about why the webs most influential website directory is excluding us.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Thank you for your reply. Our national organization's main website has not been down for more than about 30 minutes in the last five years due to the professional hosting and administration we have obtained.
It was just a list of possible reasons.

Please do not post any url's. They will be removed.

> The three sites I listed are not identical nor are they fraternal.
They are in DMOZ definitions. Only one website (url) per organisation will at most be listed.
If there are other organisations which have more than one listing that may be a mistake. Please let us know on DMOZ. Visit the category in which the site(s) is listed and click the link at the end of the listing (report an issue with this listing)

> We are asking for information about when and why our listing was removed
We can and will not provide such information. Mainly because it is to timeconsuming to answer all such questions. If we look into your situation we will have to look into all situations asked by other people.

> and if there are any safeguard in place to protect the integrity of DMOZ from an editor engaging in partisan or activism deletion of sites
Yes there are. Most are internaly. But the public can always file an "abuse report" (link at the top of each category page on DMOZ). A senior editor will look into the situation. But no responses are send after those reports.

> Is the answer to questions about submission always the same and simply that someone must submit a site, wait for weeks or months, and expect no answers or assistance with problems other that the standard reply
Yes. As written in the forum guidelines and several threads that give information.
Did you read

> Can you tell us more about what mechanisms DMOZ has in place for editor action reviews and what mechanisms you have in place for any sites that may be removed from your directory by an editor for reasons other than not meeting your criteria?
Not more than already has been told and what can be read in the DMOZ guidelines. See and the pages linked from it.

> Also, can you tell us if your criteria for being listed on DMOZ has changed recently
No, they have not.

> because we apparently met your criteria for many years before we were removed from DMOZ.
As written on
Editorial Discretion
Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all suggestions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.​


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
So the purpose of this forum is to tell people just to read the website, submit, and leave it be?

Yes that is correct. Site suggesters are asked to wait for sites to be processed. That way, there is no favoritism.


Jan 20, 2015
Thank you for this information. We will give it a few weeks on our main website and then file the abuse report to ask for a senior editor to help us if we are not re-listed.

Thank you for this helpful information.



Jan 20, 2015
Thank you Vbman. Good to know. I hope we can once again be listed on DMOZ as our team on our forums have worked very hard for more than ten years now to build the world's largest archive of information on a topic of great national interest and importance. We do all we can to get that information out to the public and are willing to do anything we need to on our end towards those goals.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.