need a update!


Mar 8, 2004
Categorie domain´Or/

My submission goes back to Septemb 2005, and is awaiting review.

My question regards the site description. Since there have been numerous modifications to the site content since then (it is a commerce site), the description may need to be updated.

I have no record (unfortunately lost) of the original description, however, what affect on the review will a possibly outdated description have on review?

Can it be accepted for inclusion and subsequently updated?

Is it even possible request or retrieve a description while it is still pending review???

I pm'd a moderator, have had no response to a like question, and don't since he has not been answered. I don't expect a response since his last visit is logged as back in August.

A response would be nice.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We have to fix most descriptions anyway. Don't worry about it.

Once listed, the update listing link on the category page can be used to request changes.

<added> You presumably know that it's already listed in Cala d´Or </added>


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I have no record (unfortunately lost) of the original description, however, what affect on the review will a possibly outdated description have on review?
None. Descriptions suggested with a site suggestion are usually not compliant with our guidelines so editors are used to writing their own.

Can it be accepted for inclusion and subsequently updated?
Yes, once the site has been accepted, you can request an update to the description. But keep in mind my note above -- the chances of the published description being the one you suggested are small.

Is it even possible request or retrieve a description while it is still pending review???
No, though feel free to resuggest it with the description you want. Again, keep in mind my first note.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't give status reports, as described in the "announcement forum". But when a site is listed, we can hardly keep it a secret anymore ;)

The ODP process doesn't define priorities, so we can't ever predict what will happen to a SPECIFIC suggestion (either to add or change a listing.) But historically, many editors have been VERY concerned about fixing listing problems VERY quickly -- often within hours. Suggestions to change a listing tend to be checked quicker than other suggestions (because they might point to a listing problem), -- often within a few days or very few weeks. But there is no guarantee that any particular suggestion will be reviewed in any set time, or that any particular one will recommend itself to the viewer.

Also (since the ODP doesn't define priorities) any site may be re-reviewed (and listing modified) at any time. That doesn't happen OFTEN, but it does happen. (If it didn't happen at all, there'd be no way for you to suggest that it happen! But an "update listing" suggestion is just that.)

I would NOT recommend suggesting an update of the description unless the current description is (1) palpably inaccurate or (2) doesn't mention a significant part of the unique content on the site.

I do recommend suggesting a site once for each Language. Other than that, real estate agent sites are not double listed (and that is a very straitly monitored guideline.)

It IS usually possible to REPLACE a suggestion while it is still in review -- just resuggest the same URL to the same category. It is not possible to rescind a suggestion.

<added>Not meaning to pile on here: I was interrupted while preparing a reply.</added>
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