Need advice about the category


Apr 18, 2007

I have a question in order to be completely sure that I'm doing everything right.
I have chosen the following category ( with the aim to add my link there.
Really, I think that the company that is specialized in direct marketing advertising, located in New York has all the chances to be included in this category. The company is a source for servicing direct marketing advertisers and delivering incremental revenue streams for consumer magazines and newspaper publishers.

At the same time I just wanted to be completely sure about the location as the category doesn't include location in its description.

All your help and advice will be highly appreciated.

P.S. And I wanted to ask if this category is "live", if there is an editor there.

Thank you very much for helping me out! :)
Sorry, if I have asked this question not according to the rules.


Nov 7, 2006
You're doing yourself a disservice by not adding your business address on your site suggestion, Grizzly, if that's what you mean. As one of the New York State editors, your site suggestion could qualify to be listed once in the Regional section of the Directory:

and, if it qualifies, once again in that Topical category of Business. A site can be listed once in Regional and once in Topical, if it qualifies.

Only Regional lists site suggestions by location, that Business category you're referring to lists site suggestions by Topic, :).

If a Topic category gets too large, then they might have to break it down by geographic locations, but that's a last resort.

P.S. And I wanted to ask if this category is "live", if there is an editor there.

If there is no resident editor named at the bottom of the page, it doesn't matter, because there are editors in categories above it who edit in every category beneath them, and there are 200-300 other editors with Directory wide editing permissions who can also edit there, :).


Apr 18, 2007
Thank you for the prompt reply! Just want to make sure I got you right:

1) You mean that I should submit this website directly to the top regional category ( ) and the editors will themselves put it to the best-matching subcategory later on?

2) Or do I have to locate the right subcategory within the above mentioned regional (New York) category and submit to it?

The thing is - the company business address is:

One Bridge Street
Irvington, NY 10533

so the right regional category would be this

However there is no subcatorory pertaining to my topic within there.

Please let me know what is the best way for me to submit. I'd really appreciate your help!


Nov 7, 2006
You've got it correct for Regional, just submit your site suggestion to the category:

Until we find more business sites for Irvington, we can't add more subcategories to Business and Economy

However, you could help your community (and yourself) get on the Internet map where they can compete, by submitting any local site suggestions in Irvington that you happen to find, :) .

My own locality only had 4 sites when I first became an editor, I found 126 more for it, most of them businesses :D .

Added: Just as an after thought, I don't believe it really matters, as far as search engines go, exactly where you are listed in the Directory, they use all of our data and sort it out in their own way, I imagine. However, if your local people were looking in the ODP Directory for local businesses, they would most likely look in Irvington, or do a Google search for "Irvington" and find you there.


Nov 7, 2006
Hmm, seems like Irvington caught an editors interest, and gained a few more sites and subcategories all of a sudden, and I'm sure there will be more to follow.

Not a one of them were suggested by the public, either. It's a good example of what we editors actually do, :D . Said editor will place related category links in those later today, and go on another hunt for more sites.


Apr 18, 2007
Thank you so much for explaining this! You've really made me feel this forum is a place where people get help. I'm going to submit my site and i do hope it will qualify. Thanks a lot Crowbar!

I really do appreciate your help! :)


Nov 7, 2006
If you are a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, you may be in already, I just added 22 new sites I found there, and I'll be adding the rest as soon as I get the time, I'm having a lot of fun as Irvington only had 3 sites listed, now it has 25, :D .

I've also added three subcategories, and I'll be adding three or four more, once I get all the Chamber sites listed. It's fun building a little Internet city. :)

I found your schools, fire dept, and police dept.

Just for the record, these are just the type of activities that all editors do, and enjoy doing, but, it's far from the only things they do in the Directory, and our metas have much heavier responsibilities, along with the enjoyable tasks like these.


Apr 18, 2007

Wow! That's amazing! :) I can see the new categories and the sites are there. I've just submitted mine to Irvington > Business and Economy, hope it gets listed when you come to review the sites next time.

Do you think I can help with developing this category? I'll be suggesting the sites i know or come across from around the locale. Man, I think I'm starting to get the idea of what dmoz is really all about. :)

Crowbar, thank you for your thorough explanation and your time!

Take care!


Nov 7, 2006
You can most certainly help. You could either volunteer to be an editor for Irvington, or if you don't want to do that, just keep submitting other sites in Irvington that haven't been listed yet.

You can suggest any site, not just your own, :) . Irvington now has 30 more sites than it had, within a few hours. All Regional editors do this sort of locality building, not just me, I'm one of many.
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