Need advice for multiple submissions


Feb 28, 2007
Greetings to everyone (from a nubbie)

I am about to sumbit a site to dmoz and i have read thorougly the ODP guidelines, and done a reasearch on the categories (so that i submit my site in the appropriate category).
And suddenly i bump into a website with multiple submissions that confused me a lot.
In a few words, this site is relevan to to mine containing hotels . The only difference is that this site offers travel advertising services (the hotels pay to be hosted in his page) , while my site is a travel agent hotels directory.

Anyway, what they have done and i found rather interesting is that they have submitted their site in the general gatecorty Travel & Tourism. Moreover they have listed in other sub categories of ODP their subpages, which resemble to official hotel's site, under the name of they hotel.

Can I do this too? :confused:
Submit subpages of the hotels I have in my website, in the appropriare LODGING Hotels categories?
Please enlighten me, as i could not find any answer to this question in the ODP Guidelines and i do not want my site to be rejected



Oct 29, 2006
Moreover they have listed in other sub categories of ODP their subpages, which resemble to official hotel's site, under the name of they hotel.
Those pages should not be listed if there is an official hotel site, and if you know of official sites we'd appreciate you using the 'update listing' form in the categoriies affected to tell us the official urls.
Can I do this too?
No. The existing listings are in error if there is an official site.
If you host the official sites for the hotels, then yes, you may, but be careful - suggesting many that are later proved not to be the official sites might be grounds for labelling your site as a spammer, with subsequent consequences.


Feb 28, 2007
well, i know at least couple of the hotels, the've listed, that have another official site-

so, this kind of multiple listings are not accepted?
i do not host any official hotel site,
so i'll stick to the plan i had at the beginning (1 submission), before discovering the 80 :)eek: )submissions!
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