need help in a site title change


Aug 9, 2006
I have been trying for over a year to have a correction made to one of my websites. An editor made a change that was not requested and it is inaccurate and it is hindering the sale of my company. I have been accused of spamming on the editor forums a year ago in simply trying to get the title changed.

The website is <url removed>

The title used to be Custom Doorbell

It is now Get Rung, LLC

Custom Doorbell is a free standing entity and it is in process of being sold. My other company, Get Rung, is another entity. The sale of my one company may be blocked if I cannot get this change implemented.

Is there someway to make this simple change happen?

Thank you for your help.


Oct 29, 2006
Is there someway to make this simple change happen?
No. (Which you have been repeatedly told in the past.)

When/if the site changes hands, the new owners can ask for it to be changed to their company name using the update listing feature, once the site reflects the changes and dissassociates itself from your 'other company'.


Aug 9, 2006
what distance?!? teh company is Custom Doorbell, not Get Rung. Get rung is found on <url removed>, custom doorbell is found on <url removed>. I don't know why you guys are so defensive and arrogant about this. I did not ask for the change that was made and I am simply asking for it to be changed back to the way it was for about 6 years. You don't need to be rude and hostile with me for requesting something like this, again.

the company has state licenses and trademarks, what else do you need for it to be a separeate entity in your eyes?


Jan 23, 2003
Perhaps your "rich" history with us, and your history of not always being straightforward in your communications with us has a lot to do with the tone of responses that you receive from us.


Aug 9, 2006
you guys are amazing arrogant for "volunteers". I have never been anything but straightforward and forthright. YOU guys changed the title of my site, I did not ask for it. When I asked for it to be changed back over the past 2 years, you guys get all pissed off at me for asking a few times (as it was never chaged back and no one responds to anything at ODP), insulting me as a spammer and other things. how the hell am I providing a "rich" history?? I am a business owner, that is it. You guys screwed with my site title and I have been asking for it to be changed back. Why is this do difficult to grasp and change back to the way it was listed for the first 6 years of its existance???

funny how I read other threads and see that I am not alone in my perception of the editors. I would think after so many bad threads being written about the customer service of the "volunteers" you guys might do something about it.

Please just change my title back to what it is supposed to be...put it this way, if you guys can do that, I am almost guaranteeing 100% that you won't ever have to hear back from me as I won't be a part of the company any more. Is that incentive enough for you to do the right thing????? Then I can go create a new "rich" history somewhere else...


Aug 9, 2006
no thank you?!?! are you kidding me??

at least other people get to see how you guys really operate. thanks for screwing me. I am truly in awe at how I have been treated here. you should be ashamed at yourselves.

thank you again for reminding me what this site really is about.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We have a policy of using the company name as the title and it's unlikely to change any time soon. That's why your websites' listings are titled as they are.

This has been explained to you previously but you seem to think that name calling and a stream of update requests will motivate us to treat you as a special case. Trust me on this, they won't.

So far, your behaviour hasn't triggered any sanctions (other than a 1 week forum ban a couple of years ago), but it's getting close to that point.


Aug 9, 2006
ok, so instead of saying "no thank you" how about doing what you just said and titling the site the same as the company name?!? the company name IS Custom Doorbell! This is what I don't get. all I have asked is to place change it back to Custom Doorbell as that was, is and ever shall be its name.

why can't this just be done and we all move on??


Aug 9, 2006
thanks you for finally offering something concrete. I can go have that changed as that is not accurate.

by the way, saying oyur guys are not helpful is not name calling...maybe a little thicker skin and a bit more helpfullness is in order?

regardless, thak you for providing me a source of the issue rather than just getting nasty with me...


Jan 23, 2003
And just to be perfectly clear....

Changing that one instance at the Arizona Secretary of State office does not guarantee that we are going to be receptive to a name change. There is a long history of smoke and mirrors as involves your company, its naming, and the naming of your websites.

We will have to be totally convinced...and you bear the burden of proof.

We were kind enough to point out one of the most visible instances of the facts not supporitng your arguments, it is not our responsibility to point out to you all of the contrary evidence we have gathered while dealing with your web presence.

We have to be convinced that a name change is in the best interests of the community that uses our data.
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