Need Help Just Resubmitted my site

Feb 10, 2010
Hi I just resubmitted my website

<URL deleted>

to the category

Business: Employment: Job Search

I believe this is the right location for the listing and would appreciate any help you guys can offer in getting it listed.

The site has been online since 2004 and serving people consistently since that time.

The site is a full services job hunting and education resources website with thousands of pages and tens of thousands of links to resources.

I am really trying to make it everything it can be because I know how hard times are today and I want to reach as many people as I can.

I know being listed in dmoz is something significant and have a different category website listed with you for about 10 years now.

I believe my site offers what 90% of the sites in your directory do not provide.

1) Anonymity for the job seeker...
If you view most of the sites in your list they require a sign-up even before you can view content.

When your current job could be put at jeopardy if your boss finds your name online looking for work I find that unacceptable that and the marketing that goes along with being on a job directory site can get offensive.

2) Our jobs are live and up to date to the second that the search is performed. We use an API to grab listings from many sources around the country and allow searches by location and category.. WE DO NOT SELL LISTINGS TO EMPLOYERS because that often is a marketing tool and is unfair to job hunters.

3) free access to scholarship listings

4) hundreds of pages of background research for specific jobs that include requirements and pay standards.

Again I have a listing with dmoz
I know how important it is
I know a lot of people can benefit from my site.

Its not the perfect site but I do talk with people every day who have found good jobs through the site...

All I am asking is that you review my site against the rest in the list and give it a chance..

I have been a web developer and in Open Source since 1994 I know there are respectable ways to get people to find you and there are ways to do it by other unattractive methods... I am the type of person that does not consider those other methods an option.

So, I am thanking you ahead of time for the consideration even if it does not result in a listing...

A friend Jan Patterson had submitted the site and I have many times in the past
here is a link to a page where she asked if there was help available.

That was back in April 2008

I know within a month of starting the site in 2004 and ongoing every six months or so I have resubmitted the site.

Please just take a look ... remember I do not require membership or payment from people who don't have the money to waste...
and that I am dedicated to helping people... an have been for years

This site is not my primary job, I do not run an employment agency or anything of the type.

I do it to help people because I have been where they are and it is not a fun place to be.

Thank you again

if you are an admin and have questions please contact me


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. Few editors ever visit this forum. Long essays here requesting priority processing are unlikely to be seen by those volunteering to work in your area of interest.

There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. Done to excess this is spamming and we treat spammers the same way that you treat spammers.
Feb 10, 2010
Jim I totally understand what you are getting at and I remember when the directory started ... prior to that I was a long time Telnet and Gopher user...

I also understand how volunteer organizations work I was a member of the Linux Document Project from about 1995 until it was moved from an educational management to a quasi commercial venture under RedHats control... and I am a 10 year Volunteer member of Habitat For Humanity

And I know your organization has gone through many changes over the years...

I am not asking for expedited service.

I know how it is

I am just saying that I would appreciate it very much if any consideration and a review was performed.

And I believe my site is not only a benefit to the general public
but it is a resource of value to the directory.

If you have any suggestions that may help I would appreciate that ..

thank you


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Bob_JobZoneUSA said:
I am not asking for expedited service.
Strange. Two lines down you are doing exactly the thing you said you are not doing.
I am just saying that I would appreciate it very much if any consideration and a review was performed.

And I believe my site is not only a benefit to the general public
but it is a resource of value to the directory.
All owners of a website think the same about their website. It would be realy stupid if you would not think so.

If you have any suggestions that may help I would appreciate that ..
There are no things that can help. So no suggestions. Except: just wait like anybody else.
Feb 10, 2010

there is no reason to be rude

jim noble has been here a long time and i just wanted to make it clear that I am not asking for special treatment but I also wanted to explain why My site is one that should be included

and yes I am not a fool I know everyone wants to be included

Jim responded ... the directory editor of the area my site is in has never responded to me

Jim has stated before that some editors can edit in other areas.
I am not asking jim or anyone to do that.... and I said that up front...

I MEAN REALLY what can I say other then to be honest and forthcoming.

If you want to know what I am thinking ... not that my site is the best site in the world ... because there are probably tens of thousands out there that are better...

What I am thinking TO BE HONEST is that DMOZ needs to review the sites in that directory category and see how bad 90% of them are other then Monster Indeed Career Builder which are the GIANTS... and then ask the directory category editor if they feel they are doing a good job...


not that my site be included although that would be amazingly great....

and if necessary over time that someone looks at who is building that part of the directory.

I even invite you specifically pvgool to go to

Business: Employment: Job Search

and review it yourself then come back and answer these questions

1) what percentage of sites require signups before you can use them which everyone knows is a scam head hunters use

2) what percentage of the sites are complete working sites with up to date content... because job hunting info needs to be up to date to be useful...

3) and most important what percentage of the sites in that part of the directory do you feel meet the needs of someone...


i mean gees it is definitely a personal choice by the Editor in that area not to include me because I have been asking for 6 years now.


this still needs to be done by DMOZ higher staff to ensure this directory is relevant to the needs of the people that they hope to serve...

Do you have a slacker on the directory???? because it looks that way.

so pvgool since I am going out of my way and conceding my site will never be included unless someone finds it should

Put your money where your mouth is ... take my bet

look at the 30 or so sites and tell me ... what percentage of the ones now in there can help you or others find jobs...

and tell me what % of those collecting personal info would you trust not to release it to the world...

I mean goodness sake even Monster just got hacked for a few hundred thousand user accounts and those details at monster are very detailed.....

Jim Have a good day ... You answered my post and unless someone else within DMOZ wants to respond I have your opinion and information and I take it to heart ... and thank you ... no need to respond again...


PVGOOL since you are a member like me

DO IT go look at those sites

You say I am asking for something that I have no right to ask for.... SO DO IT!

AND THEN answer this question...

How important is it to find and have a good job?
How does it rank with every other category in this directory????

If you are without a job you can not even put food in your mouth...

You can't buy health care or have a family or a home ... or go to school .. or enjoy entertainment ...

Because you are starving on the street with no money and nothing....

If you have a job you can afford to do all the other things in this directory...

Whether my site gets included or not and Like I said I have no belief it will....
This is one of the most important areas in the directory ... it is not to be overlooked because other areas get more traffic...

And like I said that part of the directory is very weak..

And just because Editors don't get paid doesn't mean there are not 10,000 other people out there willing to do the job for nothing and do it with understanding and respect for the directory...

So I have said my peace ...

I await your review of that area

pvgool said:
Strange. Two lines down you are doing exactly the thing you said you are not doing.

All owners of a website think the same about their website. It would be realy stupid if you would not think so.

There are no things that can help. So no suggestions. Except: just wait like anybody else.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
PVGOOL since you are a member like me
I have to disappoint you. Like jimnoble I am an editor of DMOZ.

And as jim alreday has written
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.
(bold is mine)

You can ask or demand as much as you like but I (and all other editors) still decide myself where I want to edit. If no editor is interested in the job search categories nothing will be done there. Atleast not at this moment. Only when one of the current editors gets interessted or when someone with interest applies to be an editor the category will be looked at.
And as jimnoble wrote
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. Few editors ever visit this forum. Long essays here requesting priority processing are unlikely to be seen by those volunteering to work in your area of interest.
You wrote "I have your opinion and information and I take it to heart " and still you are asking for a special favor, us looking at a category you are interested in.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
there is no reason to be rude
pvgool wasn't rude; he merely pointed out some truths that you don't like hearing.

For many people here, English isn't their first language. pvgool and I have both found that brevity aids clarity.

As we told your colleague previously (as you know because you referred to the thread) and we've several times told you above, posting here will not expedite the processing of a listing suggestion.

Quit badgering volunteers to do what you think is important and stop accusing folks who are trying to explain things to you of being rude.

Do not start another thread on this topic. Closing.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.