Need proper guideline!!


Oct 2, 2006

I have requested my site to be added to DMOZ under this category, but yet to see any real time implications. I think my site properly follow the rules and guidelines by Dmoz for successful submission. But why my site is not yet added?

Is there any way to check??

Do I wait and pray to god so that editor of this section have enough mercy to have some time to add the site in this category??

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated..



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is no "real time" response to suggestions, so it's not surprising you wouldn't have seen one.

And there's nothing practical that an honest person can do with the information you're asking for. Yes, I know curiosity eats at you -- I'm afflicted also. But ... in the world there are four kinds of things: (1) things that don't matter that you can't control, (2) things that do matter that you can't control,
(3) things that don't matter that you can control,
(4) things that do matter that you can control.

Practically speaking, an ODP listing is in category (1) -- whether or not your site is listed, doesn't affect what you need to do in any part of your life. And, prudently speaking, you should focus on things in category (4), which is as far away from this question as you can get.

I used to have your problem -- I wanted "real time" response for my online contributions. Now I look at it the other way around -- I work as hard as I can, so that whenever the response comes, it'll show as much as possible.

That way, I get more done with less frustration.
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