Never Get Listed thank to lazy editors


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
I have submitted my site almost a year ago now. I have monitored the categories that i have submitted to (and only submitted to a couple others well after my initial submittion because...) and have seen that no sites whatsoever are being posted in any of the categories i am trying to get into being added. So then i try and become a editor for those categories and never even hear anything back regarding it ever. Now i get SEO hits due to not being able to submit to dmoz.... There has to be a easier way to get this done.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
I'm not as polite as Jim, though I'm certainly lazier. :D

It sounds as if you resubmitted your site, several times at the minimum, even though you knew that the guidelines that you agreed that you understood when you suggested the sites, asked you not to do that. Worse, you suggested to multiple categories.

Doing that, esp. to multiple categories, costs editor time. If you start to look like a spammer, we take defensive action. So you may have both shot yourself in the foot and slowed things down for others who have suggested sites.

And we aren't a listing service. We use site suggestions as only one source of listings. Frequently, site suggestions are the most inefficient method of finding sites, thanks to spammers, so we frequently use other sources.

We don't know when an editor will take a look at your suggestion. It may be in a few minutes, it may be years. I would strongly suggest that you stop suggesting your site.

If you want to know about your editor application, you can post in the "Becoming an Editor" forum with the information listed in the Forum Guidelines at the top of the forum. Sometimes the feedback regarding an application is lost in spam filters.


Sep 10, 2008
I had follow the guidelines correctly... just have sent the suggestion as much as 3 times per year.... still waiting, now 3 and a half years pasted.

So... maybe, as MasterC3501 said, I could be thinking that something is happening with the category editor where I'm suggesting my links. I mean.. they are humans, so issues may happen. How can we tell? How can we trust?

Could be something about my websites?... well, let me tell you, Preventing this, I've been working so hard since the first time I suggested, I've improved my sites, have increase ranking, good spots on organic search engine, follow each guidelines that needs to accomplish, and have a very nice site (more about well managed and original content... not only nice for graphic design). My sites are now in a great shape for the kind of website that as a category could fill in, and comparing to others that has similar websites and they've even listed in Dmoz.

But nothing.... so:

Sometimes the feedback regarding an application is lost in spam filters.

Again... how can we trust if it is something about the spam filters on the suggestion or applications contact, or if it is only a human confusion with the petitions… or… anything else… how can we tell?

Thank you!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I had follow the guidelines correctly... just have sent the suggestion as much as 3 times per year
...but the guidelines require that you suggest your website just once to the one best categorry.

I didn't understand the rest of your post. Just to say that no editor owns a category to the exclusion of all others. Around 200 of us can edit anywhere we wish - and we do.

You can self-check whether or not your website is listable here.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are magic words that trigger an editor to sit up and say, "Say! we need that site listed right away!"

And the kind of people who create such sites, will say those magic words automatically. It would never occur to them to say anything at all about "ranking" on "organic" (or even "artificial") "search engines" or "content management" or about "graphic design" (let alone the "niceness" thereof.)

(That's all tools and techniques: the kind of stuff you might learn in a course about "website design", but totally irrelevant to deciding whether one ought to be designing a website at all, let alone what should go into it. It would never occur to these kind of people to think a surfer would care about any of that!)

Most surprisingly, in my experience, these much-sought-after types don't even mention "content", and, rather than emphasizing "originality", they'll often even attribute information to someone else.

They're living in a whole different world from the madding crowd of frentic self-promoting professionals--a world we all want to visit.
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