Never Listed - No Editor

I submitted to the Top: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Batteries category in early January 2002. I've since resubmitted about every 3 weeks. I've e-mailed the editor of the Consumer Electronics category and I've sent e-mails to the with no response. There is no editor for the “batteries” category.

We’ve never been listed. Our site does have unique content that other sites listed do not have. We are also listed in Yahoo and Looksmart.

Can you help me find out why we haven’t been listed?



Mar 26, 2002

I can only say that you have a nice site /images/icons/smile.gif

These forums and editors are "very" helpful so maybe they will be able to give you a few answers.

Good Luck,
Dave S.


Mar 1, 2002
Your site is waiting to be reviewed in Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Batteries, along with around 90 other sites. Please don't resubmit your site any more, it's only creating more work for editors, when they have to delete your duplicate submissions from the unreviewed queue.

Thanks for your quick response. I resubmitted because it was recommended at several sites on the web including and I think even suggests it after a certain period or time.

One thing I have noticed is that the category has remained unchanged since January with the exception of one deletion. It's good to know that it's in the queue though.

Why does it take so long to review submissions? Seems like it would be a thing that could be done rapidly... accepting or denying a site anyway.

I really like this forum though. It really helps to get good feedback regarding the ODP.



Mar 25, 2002
Why does it take so long to review submissions? Seems like it would be a thing that could be done rapidly... accepting or denying a site anyway.

There's a pretty good thread talking about what editors do all day that might give you a bit of an idea why it takes time to process submissions /images/icons/smile.gif

What Editors Do All Day

Yes, I have already read the "What Editors Do All Day" post. It's becoming clear to me that it can take from 6 months to a year to be listed in the open directory.


Mar 25, 2002
Though it can take time for some categories, there are categories where sites are added within days, if not hours. It really just depends on the category.

There aren't many submissions to Regional: Polar_Regions, so those tend to get listed pretty fast when I'm around /images/icons/smile.gif

Yeah, I know. I have a friend whose small local site was listed in 3 days. I'm not bashing the open directory or it's editors. It's just apparent that it can (in some cases) take up to a year to get listed. I think it would be appealing to have fresher more current content than that.

I'm sure it just depends on the category. There are probably high traffic categories that get edited heavily on a weekly basis.

Well any help in getting reviewed in the queue by a Meta would be greatly appreciated. /images/icons/wink.gif

Thanks for your consideration.

Great forum! Great feedback!


One major problem with ODP is that some categories have enough active editors to get stuff out in a matter of days or even hours, while others have no or very few, and have tons of backlog. There is also the fact that some categories get hundreds of submissions a week, making it a real chore to sort them out if the section is undermanned.

It's a volunteer effort. /images/icons/smile.gif We try to keep up with the new submissions but the popularity of the ODP as well as sites submitting many duplicates and sites to the wrong categories add to the numbers of unrevieweds and make things take longer. If you want to help out, you're more than welcome, my advice just read the guidelines at very carefully, to be honest in your application, and to apply to a small category at first (you can get big ones later on).
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