new advise what to do


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
No status. See the submission guidelines found on the same page used to submit a site (Add a URL)


Jun 25, 2004
Please HELP!

I HAVE Two different sites and I did not want to change a URL of my old site.
I posted new site for submission, it is in the different Category than site you changed. Both sites are unique and have two different databases. New site refers the old one but if necessary I can remove any reference to the site you chaqngedt site.

Can you reverse edits,PLEASE?



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You need to stop playing fast and loose with your sites here. I see that you've now set to redirect back but I know that it used to have it's own content, of which was a subsite.

If your thought here was to get us to change the currently listed URL back to at which point you would stop the redirection of so that you can get that listed as well, you really should have a rethink. Based on the sites before you changed to a redirect, only should be listed. Based on the current redirecting setup, only should be listed. You need to set up your websites the way you intend to keep them (either all redirecting to or each with their own sites defined) rather than changing the content from redirect to hosted content and back again. Then let us know what you've decided to do.


Jun 25, 2004

Thanks for responding to my post. I do not play any game here both sites have a unique content and were submitted up to submission guidelines. I did not request to change my original listing ( I asked to add new site ( to the different category.

Now since my main site is not listed anymore I am redirecting to my main site.
Redirect will be changed as soon as listing will be corrected.

If I have to choose between two sites I want to be listed

One more time I appreciate you help, tomasz


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
tomasz, what you describe yourself as doing is what we describe as "playing games" or "bait and switch."

Perhaps what is confusing you is that you do not have a choice of the two sites. You can suggest that we list sites, but no site is guaranteed a listing. Ads of America is obviously the more general site on the more general subject, and autotradezone is logically a subsite of it. So we'd be interested in listing only Ads of America -- if that.


Jun 25, 2004

I thought it is all about quality content. was listed with DMOZ for a long time. I submitted second site, not a sub site as you call it. New site ( has different content and it is not related to

It was submitted to different category and offers different product. I do not understand what do you mean by calling 'bait and switch'.

I would understand if tell me, OK your new site can not be listed, I would say, thanks a lot, I appreciate, but if you come and remove other site.. I do not know..

I am confused.

Can you tell me what I need to do to fix this problem?
I just want to revers the edits you did last month

thanks a lot, Tom


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Bait and switch" is when we list a site based on its content, and then the webmaster changes the content to something else "not related." For us, it is sabotage -- the single most harmful thing a webmaster can do to the directory. We take it very seriously. Normally we immediately go on a crusade to expunge all that webmaster's sites with extreme prejudice. This is not "revenge" -- this is our way to protect the directory from further acts of sabotage.

If we weren't talking to you here, that's where your sites would be already. They aren't yet, but you need to understand that this is deadly serious to us. And, now that you understand that, there need to be no more "switches."

OK, for now both sites are removed from the directory. I repeat, this is not the permanent ban. Yet. Since you're here and we can talk to you, we can try to start fresh.

Another background bit of information: the ODP is not a listing service for the benefit of you, the webmaster. It's a site finding service for the benefit of surfers.

Our guideline is: if a site is useful for surfers and we can list it, then we do.

There are two parts there. It has to be useful. And sometime in the past, your automotive site convinced an editor it might be useful. (That's a high compliment -- most automotive classified sites are not accepted.)

But the other part is, we have to be able to list it. And this implies, we have to have a definition of a "site" so we can distinguish what constitutes a "site"; that definition has to distinguish few enough different "sites" that we can list them all. This means we don't try to list every page of every site: just the main page. And when we see one entity with multiple domain names, we treat all the content on all the domains as one site, if that makes sense.

Now, classified ads sites are, um, oversubmitted. Most of them are worthless, and many people who have a classified-ads engine try to abuse us by creating lots of little sites that use the same (or similar) engines on lots of different topics, and then submit them all to us. But much larger, name-brand, reputable classified-ads sites have only one listing because they aren't depending on spamming us for their promotion, so they put everything on one domain. That's not fair to the users, and it's certainly not fair to the good sites.

So we are very strict on "entities." One entity, one site unless there's a really good reason otherwise. And having several different classifications of ads is not a good reason.

Here's where you came in, unwittingly imitating the techniques of the "ancient legions of big-time spammers." And -- no problem, we know how to handle that, we've had lots of practice: "Find the main page, list it, problem taken care of." We don't want much flexibility in the guidelines here: we're better served by letting you link to all your own pages (no matter what domain they are on) and leting us focus on reviewing someone else's site.

Until the bait-and-switching started up. (Well, we know how to solve that problem, too, if necessary.)

So we won't ask "how can you get two listings?" We'll discuss "do you get one or zero listings? If you get one, which is the best URL to use, and which is the best category to put it in?"

So talk to us:

-- Commit to one main URL (we don't care how many other URLs you have so long as you don't submit them; if you need to change the main URL, we have an "update URL" link)

-- Commit to leaving the major types of content be accessable from that URL (we don't mind additions or changes in content, so long as the description we have still remains accurate -- or you request an "Update URL" to correct it).

-- Get the basic links in place (we don't mind site redesigns) and we can look at the site.

The forum limits apply: we can't argue about placement, but we can make sure we're seeing the content you meant to feature.


Jun 25, 2004

Thank you very much for taking up you time explain important issues concerning my site. I appreciate your detailed information.

It was never my intension to do 'bait and switch' but now I see clearly your point of view. I apologize for any inconvenience which i may caused you.

I strongly believe our site is useful for surfers. We offer easy to use search engine with over 165,000 used cars for sale by owners and auto dealers. Also we provide Free New Car Quotes and we average 4 to 6 million page views a month.

So talk to us:

-- Commit to one main URL (we don't care how many other URLs you have so long as you don't submit them; if you need to change the main URL, we have an "update URL" link)


-- Commit to leaving the major types of content be accessable from that URL (we don't mind additions or changes in content, so long as the description we have still remains accurate -- or you request an "Update URL" to correct it).

Description: Offers used cars for sale by private owners and auto dealers

-- Get the basic links in place (we don't mind site redesigns) and we can look at the site.


The forum limits apply: we can't argue about placement, but we can make sure we're seeing the content you meant to feature.

it is there




Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Since I see that still redirects to, does this all mean that you're not planning on changing back to its own content? Because if you change it back from the current redirect to the broader classifieds site it was, you are still doing a bait and switch and, at this point, that would really not go over well. The only way we could/would list is if is permanently gone. Surely you don't expect us to believe you're planning to dump all of that?

When hutcheson said "commit to one URL", he didn't mean pick which site you'd prefer to have listed but which URL is going to be the main URL linking to all of the classifieds content that you have (i.e. based on previous content, that would be


Jun 25, 2004

Both sites have unique content (two different databases) and what I understood the only one can be listed in Directory. I do not want to have as my main site since this a new site plus it serves "Free Classifieds". Maybe it is broader but it does not have automotive section. it is excluded from the site.

On other hand
The offers only automotive section and we charge for posting there (no free ads available there), so it can not be listed in "Free Classifieds" category.

You said
The only way we could/would list is if is permanently gone. Surely you don't expect us to believe you're planning to dump all of that?

I do not believe it is fair statement as I said many times both sites have unique content and have been subbmited up TOS

I will not disconnect my site but I can leave permanent redirect to AutoTradeZone.

Will this satisfy you?

thanks tom


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
>> I will not disconnect my site but I can leave permanent redirect to AutoTradeZone.

And how are you planning to permanently redirect and still offer your free classifieds?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Right now (as I think you understand) we're a bit uncomfortable with the situation. But I don't think we can say "don't do a free classified ads site." You absolutely can. (You could even do a doorway-to-affiliate-spam site, although we'd have no interest in it: if we could find original content, we'd list it.) And you can put your classified ads on your auto domain or another domain. And you can link to it from your auto domain (and, I'd hope, link back also.) None of this will prejudice an ODP listing that's earned by depth of Auto ad coverage. It will only affect where the site is listed, (perhaps) what URL is listed, and what the description includes.

For the immediate future, the classified ads probably wouldn't affect your ODP listing -- while you're building up content there. (Most people ever don't build up content for these sites, but you do have a track record on the other one. And IMO you do well to start with a focus, then broaden it as the content depth grows.)

The question is, how should your site be listed -- and that may change over time. Right now, it's a big auto site with a little of everything else. Someday it may be a big everything site with special focus on autos, and it may need to be in the more general category; and you can do the 'Update URL' when you think the site is to that point.


Jun 25, 2004

Thanks for your help and your suggestions.

I can not do "Update URL' because my listing is gone.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what the current situation is.

Where is the content formerly known as autotradezone?

And where is the content formerly known as adsofamerica?

I understand that you think the auto classified ads content far outweighs the others right now, and so the more appropriate place would be under auto classifed ads, not general classified ads. Is that correct?

And you're committing to leaving the URLs in that state for the present?


Jun 25, 2004
Thanks for talking me!

I'm not sure what the current situation is.

Where is the content formerly known as autotradezone?

< content has not changed, it is there />

And where is the content formerly known as adsofamerica?

<new site is hosting this content />

I understand that you think the auto classified ads content far outweighs the others right now, and so the more appropriate place would be under auto classifed ads, not general classified ads. Is that correct?

<Yes it is true />

And you're committing to leaving the URLs in that state for the present?

Yes, I am commiting to leave the URL in the state of present. I just want to my site ( listed again, I do not think it deserves to be removed, both sites have content : autotradezone over 165k pages and 3k free ads(and growing) with pictures (no popups, honest site, no spam)



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And where is the content formerly known as adsofamerica?

<new site is hosting this content />
Why does it seem like you're completely missing the point here? Moving your content to another domain is not going to change the situation you're in, i.e. that is essentially a subsection (albeit on a different domain) of your broader classifieds ad content. Whether you put that broader classifieds content on or on makes no difference.
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