New and a few questions


Feb 22, 2008
Hi everyone,

I was actually wondering a few things. First of all, I have submitted my site more than once and haven't got a response back at all. It has been over a year since the first submission. My first question is:

If my site was rejected, would I get an email?

Now, I know we can't post our site here and as for many forums I am guessing it is because of spammers, so I am going to do this differently. My site is <url removed>. I hope I just didn't do something wrong there... that is not my intentions. But I hear this forum is for suggestions. Well, I am doing well in google placement for some keywords. I have done my site 100% myself optimization and design. Looking at my site... is there something that is obvious why I can't seem to get listed? The only thing I can think of is that at the moment I am adding a few more pages and getting together new design images to add to my site.

I am a small company, but I feel like my site is a decent site for me not being a webmaster or SEO expert. Could someone please tell me if there is something sticking out like a sore thumb that I don't see? Or am I just impatient? I resubmitted my site recently, but I just don't have confidence it is going to get listed. Thanks everyone! Hope I didn't violate any rules, I didn't mean to if I did!! :)


Jan 23, 2003
If my site was rejected, would I get an email?

No, we don't do any type of responses -- for better or worse.

In order for us to answer your other questions, we would have to review your site, and that is not something we do in this forum.

I can tell you that if you have not suggested your site since January 2007, feel free to do so one additional time, as we lost a goodly number of site suggestions during our great server crash.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.