New category suggestion.


Mar 16, 2005
I would like to suggest that you add a new category to your directory.

Top: Recreation: Autos: Makes and Models

Under the Makes and Models, I would like to request that you add a category for "Shelby" Automobiles.

For example, eBay has a specific directory for them.

Carroll Shelby worked with Ford and Dodge and as well as creating his own the end, they are all Shelby's. The point here is that you've got sites related to Shelby Automobiles submitted in a variety of different categories and no specific one that fits. Most likely, they will be under Ford or Dodge, but I can't even remember what category I submitted my site under. Anyway, just a suggestion so that the directory can be more organized. Thank you for your consideration,


Apr 15, 2003


Mar 16, 2005
With regard to Shelby auto related sites, there are the club sites and there are the general or specific interest sites about the cars. An example of a specific car being the Shelby G.T.500.

The club sites are split in two categories and specifically related to either the Ford Shelby cars or the Dodge Shelby cars. But once again, they are both clubs related to Shelby autos.

There is some grey area with regard to the "make" of Shelby automobiles. In addition to making his own car(s), Shelby modified cars such as the mustang and various Dodge models so some people will refer to them as their original model, such as "mustang", but most refer to them as purely a Shelby automobile, using their specific name (Shelby G.T.500). They do have their own VIN numbers and in many states are required to be titled as such. Carroll Shelby has worked with Ford, GM and Chrysler/Ddoge in his lifetime so that is why you get sites across the spectrum.

It is a similar situation to Saleen, which has his own category.
Top: Recreation: Autos: Makes and Models: Saleen
Steve Saleen has made a pure Saleen car but most of his cars have been modified mustangs.

Once again, I'm just suggesting that it be considered for the sake of keeping sites with a similar interest together. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Thanks,


We don't make categories unless we have enough listings to put in them. Were you to, say, come up with half-a-dozen or more potential listings for such a category, it would be easier to make the case that such a category should exist.


Mar 16, 2005
Here's a list of 30 to start from. Obviously they would not all apply because they are not all specifically and only about Shelby automobiles, but at least 10 of them are and I bet you will get more submissions in the future. There are hundreds of potential sites that have not been submitted and might never be submitted but if they do decide to submit, they will have a proper place to submit.

Rather than have these sites spread among 5 different categories, they could be in one or two as follows.
Recreation: Autos: Makes and Models: Shelby
Recreation: Autos: Makes and Models: Shelby: Clubs


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Do you think this is something worth doing?

Let me rephrase that. How much work are you willing to do to do it?

And can you do it to ODP standards? Can you play nice in the sandbox? Put your commas where they belong? Spell or spell-check?

Read the editors' guidelines, and ... apply to edit the "Makes" category. In your application, indicate that you're really suggesting a new "Shelby" category, and pick three or four of the best sites (there's a separate place on the application to list your own site, if you have an appropriate one -- list it there only.)

And ... if you will ... welcome to the erogatocracy of the web.


Mar 16, 2005
hutcheson said:
Do you think this is something worth doing?

Let me rephrase that. How much work are you willing to do to do it?

And can you do it to ODP standards? Can you play nice in the sandbox? Put your commas where they belong? Spell or spell-check?

Read the editors' guidelines, and ... apply to edit the "Makes" category. In your application, indicate that you're really suggesting a new "Shelby" category, and pick three or four of the best sites (there's a separate place on the application to list your own site, if you have an appropriate one -- list it there only.)

And ... if you will ... welcome to the erogatocracy of the web.
Ha, ha ha :eek: , I guess those are some important questions I certainly had not considered. I just thought it might be a good idea.

Now that you mention it, I will look at the editor's guidelines and see what I can learn about the process. Thanks.
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