New Editor Saying Hello to Everyone!



Hello everyone. I just wanted to send a post and meet everyone. I am very excited about joining. I have been reading a few of the other posts here. It is obvious that it takes about a week or less or longer (LOL) for the application to get reviewed... so I will not ask how long.

However, I would like to use my time wisely while I wait. Can someone give me some good links to pages that have info on editing, policies, etc. I will have a week or so, so I would like to get familiar with DMOZ, meet and speak with experienced editors and have fun.

I am really enjoying this forum, and look forward to the return messages.

- Garry



Thank you for the reply. The internal forum? Is that this forum or a different forum in DMOZ? Also my application is still in review, it has been less than a day. So, I don't think that I have access to an editor dashboard yet. However, as soon as I gain access to both of these items, I will definately review them.

I was looking at your profile page, and you have done so much work. It is very impressive and you have a lot of expreience with DMOZ. Do you mind if I contact you everyone every so often if I need assistance.

- Garry


Jackpot! That is an awsome reference. Thank you. BTW my original application was not accepted. After spending a few hours in this forum this morning, I quickly learned more about the application process, and I made a mistake by choosing a category that was too big. After thinking more about this, and looking very closely at the category, I would agree. It would be too much to handle for a newbie!

I am quick to rebound though, and have immediatley resubmitted a new application. Here is the smaller category:

I feel confident that I can develop this category. I am excited! My I contact you in the future if I run into trouble? I usually try to figure things out on my own or rather ask people to guide me, but I like to do the work in solving my own problems. Rather than pass the buck to someone else.

- Garry


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I know you're eager but it really isn't necessary for you to post the ups and downs of your application experience in the threads for other would-be editors. Just a friendly tip. :)


I know you're eager but it really isn't necessary for you to post the ups and downs of your application experience in the threads for other would-be editors. Just a friendly tip. :)

Thanks for the friendly tip! I really do feel good when I get tips. However, I do not fully understand the negitive effects of my post. This must be an issue of negitivity not necessity. If I have done something wrong, I appreciate a reprimand; however, if you are in a position to give a reprimand, which by all means you probably are... you are also in a position where it would benefit yourself as well as the company or organization that you represent to provide an explaination, a coaching, or a teaching of what action or behavior was wrong or negitive. The end result is that the action will not happen again, and there will be a complete understanding of why this is wrong or negitive.

Just a friendly tip :)!

- Garry


Mar 25, 2002
Just wanted to let you know that my second attempt did not work. So I am trying again with an even smaller category

Hi. I just wanted to mention that I hope that you're not assuming that category size is the deciding factor for getting approved :) It is one factor, but not the primary criteria.

You should probably read through the FAQ and General Advice thread at the top of this forum. There is a lot of got pointers in there of follow up material that will help with the application process.



Thanks for the link I am reviewing the page now. I really appreciate you helping me out. Thank you.

- Garry


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
OK, here's what I meant:

You've got your own thread here. This is the place to be posting any comments you have about your own application. Essentially hijacking a thread that isn't about you in order to talk about yourself isn't a Good Idea. The only reason this came to my mind when it did is that, in the span of a couple of minutes, you posted 4 comments primarily about your own application in 4 different threads...which wasn't necessary or appropriate.


OK, here's what I meant:

You've got your own thread here. This is the place to be posting any comments you have about your own application. Essentially hijacking a thread that isn't about you in order to talk about yourself isn't a Good Idea. The only reason this came to my mind when it did is that, in the span of a couple of minutes, you posted 4 comments primarily about your own application in 4 different threads...which wasn't necessary or appropriate.

Ok, here is my response:

Essentially hijacking a thread that isn't about you in order to talk about yourself isn't a Good Idea.

I have NOT hijacked any thread. I am NOT talking about myself. I have posted a reply to other people that are awaiting review of their application. I am listening to their experiences and communicating my experiences with them. I am going out and meeting people here in the forum. Learning as much as I can and learning about what other people are learning.

in the span of a couple of minutes, you posted 4 comments primarily about your own application in 4 different threads...which wasn't necessary or appropriate.

I wasn't aware that there was a timed intermission between posts. I did not see that in the policy. Please point this out to me. Additionally, as I had mentioned above I was sharing my experiences in relation to the experiences the paticular person was going through.

I am getting a lot of help and meeting a lot of nice people here. I have not done anything wrong from what I can tell. You have failed at showing me what I have done wrong. If anything I have done a lot right. I am educating myself, meeting people that can provide future help, and meeting people that are at the same level as me, which in time we can provide help for each other.

You on the other hand are wasting my time from learning about the ODP. By force I have to take time to respond to your posts which accuse me of doing wrong and negitive things. I would much rather spend my free time learning about the ODP instead of being my own defense attorney.

So please back off unless you can successfully pin me with something factual.

- Garry


I have been listening to the advise I am receiving. Clearly listening. I am not a bad person here. But I am a person that will defend my credibility when its wrongfully questioned. Everyone here has been extremely helpful and I really appreciate all the links and advise.

- Garry
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