New Editor Tool


Aug 29, 2005
How about a tool for editors that scans a category for similar ips or whois information? I know a couple of weeks back I found 2 sites from the same real estate company in the same real estate cat and it seemingly went un noticed. If there was a tool that editors could use to search cats for simliar information they could clean out a lot of the dead weight and scammers. An application like this would be pretty easy to code.

Also new submissions could be checked against current listings to instantly discover any affiliations :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sometimes two sites from the same agency are appropriate for listing. But someone would probably be happy to check. Did you report them in the "quality feedback" thread? And have you found any other cases?

As always, the first step is to make sure there is a problem, and that it's common enough to yield to an automated approach. The number of false positives would be horrendous, of course. Would we find enough real problems in between to justify what amounts to random reviews of correct edits?

You can always download the RDF dump and experiment with it.


Aug 29, 2005
I did report it and it was removed.

I guess I can only assume. But it would seem between ips, whois, and email address of submitter, you could figure out affiliations a lot quicker than doing it manually.

Again, just throwing some stuff at the wall. If it sticks.... great. If not, oh well. All I know is that last month I submitted 2 sites. They were both approved. When I submitted those 2 sites I checked the rest of those 2 cats and there were a ton of bad links. I reported them and they were taken care of. It just seemed odd that I had to report them, since they had editors.

Here is another good idea. Why not have a suggestion box? The surfers and the editors could submit ideas that might help out the cause.
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