New marketing Manager


Aug 14, 2006
I was hired to revamp the marketing and managment for an existing site and found the site had not been listed in any directory at all. I submitted for listing and haven't seen it posted yet. The site manager before me was overseas and marketed exclusively through spamming, could this be the cause of us not getting listed? If so how do we go about cleaning up the mess without changing URLs?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
These days, there really isn't a procedure for that. (It happens so seldom with listable sites -- it seemed like once a year or so showed up in these forums.)

The natural starting place would be to get a submittal status -- which (unfortunately for those one or two cases a year) we don't give here anymore.

If you'll PM me a few words about the kind of site, the owner of the site, etc., I can at least tell you whether I think it might be worth while (at least for me) to help purge its abuse history (if any). DON'T mention the URL yet.
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