New Site to be Submitted in search engine


Aug 5, 2005

We have developed a new site for WorldBridge International. Wehave added the site in google but still not able to list the site after 1 month. Would appreciate if someon could help me out.

Also, I filled the application to become an editor for Outsourcing category at Not heard from any one on that as well.

Would appreciate some help on this.




Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Regarding your submission, check the FAQ linked at the top of this forum.

Regarding your editor application, check the topmost threads in the "Become an Editor" forum.


Jul 6, 2005
your submission...

In rgaeding of your submission contact the any catagery editor for this problem if possiable



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I strongly, strongly recommend NOT contacting the category editor for this problem.


Remember the basic principle underlying all conceivable models of ethics and courtesy? The one your mother taught you when you were four years old?


Sir, if people actually took your suggestion, all ODP editors' inboxes would be spammed to death. Therefore, your suggestion is tantamount to proposing a conspiracy to maliciously spam ODP editors.

"But, but" -- you say -- "many people, maybe most people, either listened to their mother, or grew up and learned that being a jerk just doesn't pay in the long run. So most people WON'T join my mass distributive spamming conspiracy. There really won't be that much spam after all...."

Yes, you'd be right. Most people are too polite, or too prudent, to do this. And so your proposal will not have as great an evil effect as it would if everybody followed it.

Let's follow the logic one more step.

Given that we have divided the world into the importunate jerks, and the polite masses .... which kind of behavior would an ethical ODP editor want to encourage? And which kind of behavior would an ODP editor want to STRONGLY discourage, in simple self-defense?

You've been warned. In the end, the kind of behavior you suggest will be discouraged, by whatever means it takes.

Your best bet, as always, is to follow the ODP submittal policy (which does NOT mention contacting the editor about special priorities for site reviews) and allow the editors to organize their work in the most efficient way they can. THAT way, more sites get reviewed more quickly, fewer editor resources will be sidetracked into discouraging spam, and EVERYBODY benefits, even the spamming jerks who have legitimate, listable websites (and there are some of these, and in the universal benevolence that characterizes the ODP mission there is even room for concern for them!)


Aug 5, 2005
good sites not always included

Absolutely, we should not pester editors but must rely on existing editors to act fairly at all times & include all relevant & informative sites even if they are competitive to their own.

our site:

We've been submitting our site for many months (a couple of years in fact) & do not get listed.

We are an independent supplier of teddy bears & also operate the Irish Teddy Bear museum (& history of teddy bears).

We cannot understand this. Our site is OK & we are very well respected in our field.

We do not know who edits the sections to which we apply & are puzzled as to why we are not included & the section is left less comprehensive than it could be.
We would be grateful for any observations & comments.
We also applied to become an editor of the teddy bears Steiff section as we have a lot of knowledge & expertise in this area but were turned down almost immediately even though we recommended good teddy sites that had no personal affiliation to us whatsoever.
DMOZ is great potentially but why are important sites, that would be beneficial to users, not included?

frank observer!


Jan 16, 2005
We've been submitting our site for many months (a couple of years in fact) & do not get listed.
Please stop submitting. The submittal policy says to submit once only. Once we have the suggestion, it won't go away until it is either accepted or rejected. If you have truly been suggesting your site many times over the course of 2 years, you run the risk of being labeled a spammer.

Also, we don't do status checks anymore, but I would like to point out that your site has been listed in Regional since February.


Jan 23, 2003
We've been submitting our site for many months (a couple of years in fact) & do not get listed.

If this is the case, then the one thing you can do is to immediately stop resubmitting. In 99.99% of the cases, a single submission is sufficient. We tolerate a second submission b those who feel statistics work against them. Any additional submissions constitue directory abuse (we call it spam) and, if it is sufficiently blatant, can result in a site never appearing in the directory.

We will not address the specifics of your site, but I can tell you that a two year wait for an editor review is not indicative of anything other than an editor probably hasn't gotten around to it. Diving into the pool of unreviewed sites, most any editor with fairly broad permission could find, in less than a minute, sites that have been waiting much, much longer for review.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Obviously you're operating under the assumption that "submitting" is a magic spell that compells some volunteer to act immediately, and therefore if it doesn't work, do it over and over again until it does. And you seem to think there's some editor hovering over that category, just waiting to be compelled -- if you could only find the magic lamp to rub, all would happen instantly. And you just can't understand how it could fail!

Reality is not that way. The submittal policy explains the most effective way to suggest a site. It's not a spell you have to repeat when it starts wearing off and the editor's own will begins to exert itself against you again! It's just a way of making sure that WHEN an editor wants to make a category more comprehensive, he can find the appropriate site you knew about. That's all. That's all it does. That's all it's supposed to do.

So what happens in reality? No hovering editor, certainly! Many editors, perhaps, COULD edit there. Several editors (including me) actually HAVE edited there at some point in the past. But ... do you imagine that I know, or anyone knowsk, what editor is working there at this moment, or which editor will work there next? NO! How could I, how could any human, possibly know that? You're demanding knowledge that simply doesn't exist in the human realm -- that is an absolutely certain way to be frustrated, and there is nothing any human being can do to help ... except to introduce you to reality.

The ODP theory goes, at some point an editor will either agree with you (that "the category is not as comprehensive as it could be") or at least think what you say is possible -- AND, at the same time, think that there is nothing in the world more important to do than to alleviate that deficiency. Your submittal has nothing to do with either of these decisions -- well, logically, it can't possibly, can it? Because thousands of categories have submittals, and most of those are spam, and everyone knows it. So the editor is going to decide based on something else -- ideally, by personal interest in the topic as a whole.

And at that point (which, so far as we know, hasn't happened yet for the category in question), the editor may look in many places (including the submittal pool) for sites. Of all the sites found, one has to be picked (more or less at random) to be reviewed first.

Now, I say, "more or less" random: the editor MIGHT choose to review submittals in order of "date submitted", in which case people trying the monthly resubmit will have done themselves harm -- harm that the submittal policy tried to protect them from. But then, the editor might have reviewed the sites in any other order (I always use alphabetical order, but I start at some random point to keep from being abused by the "AAA1 Abra Ace Jerkmeister" kind of manipulation.)

So, why is a good site not listed yet? Because it hasn't been reviewed. Why not reviewed yet? Random, as near as we can make it, and as near as no never mind really random. Because the internet is so complex, and spammers so prolific, that any conceivable rigid rule would eventually trap editors into seeing the same spam over and over again.
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